This video is the third in a series of five videos created to support the understanding of SLOs. The Identifying Performance Measures video will outline the following… Creating or selecting assessments that measure standards being taught Determining if assessments are to measure student growth, mastery or both Principles of well-developed measures Considerations necessary in the selection or creation of assessments that will serve as your Performance Measures The documents that support this video are located on the WPAIUCC SLO Moodle. 2
Educators can determine how many of these assessments are needed Check all the types of Performance Measures you are using Algebra CDT District Quarterly Exams x State Diagnostic Assessments 3
Purpose of Chosen Assessment o Who/What and Why o Explain the reason the assessments were identified Choosing a Metric o Mastery – this is a set achievement level o Growth – improvement in performance over time o Growth and Mastery – using one assessment for both 4
Address the who, what, and why of each assessment used Select one of the three metric choices PURPOSE: The CDT gives me a pre-assessment of where to start with students and a chance to determine if they are making progress District Quarterly Exams allow me to determine if students are mastering the content each nine weeks. METRIC: The CDT will be used to Measure Growth (check Growth) The District Quarterly Exams will be used for Mastery. (check Mastery) 5
Quarterly, semester, or end- course These should be specific to those needed to implement this SLO Sept and Jan End of ea. 9 wks. The CDT will be given twice and the District Exam is given each nine weeks x As written in the IEP 6
List the items needed to implement each assessment unique to this SLO List the title of the scoring keys, rubrics, or other items needed to score the assessments here Computer Lab N/A DRC does it for us District Answer Key 7
Now that we have reviewed the completion of the template, you might want to consider the following: Do my assessments test what I think they do? Do I have enough assessment items for each standard? Are my assessment items rigorous enough? If the assessment is teacher created, were strong test development protocols used? The next section of the video walks you through a process for consideration. 8
Principles of Well-Designed Measures Be built to achieve the designed purpose Produce results that are used for the intended purpose Align to targeted content standards Contain a balance between depth and breadth of targeted content Be standardized, rigorous, and fair Be sensitive to testing time and objectivity Be valid and reliable 9
Think about everything that is available to you… o Teacher made o Vendor made Identify the assessment type… o Project or Portfolio with a Rubric for evaluation? o Standardized Assessment? o District or Teacher Created Exams? Identify what each assessment measures… o Does the assessment measure the targeted standards? o How many of the questions align to the standards targeted in the SLO? 10
When you think you’ve narrowed it down to a few assessments, you may wish to develop an assessment blue print. o Are you sure your assessments are rigorous? o Are you certain your questions are not all recall items? Use the Developing a Test-Blueprint Chart and Guidelines o At least three items per standard being assessed o Reading level of the assessment should be considered o Variety of Item types o Balance of DOK levels being assessed o Points value of the assessment between items, depending on age 11
If you need more information regarding SLOs, please contact your IU representative listed below. IU 1: Jenny Lent and JoBeth McKee IU 3: Paul Cindric IU 4: Cathleen Cubelic and Anthony Conti IU 5: Kirk Shimshock, Linda Lorei, and Jim Gallagher IU 7: Natalie Smith IU 27: Lori Ceremuga, Marsha Hughes and Cristine Wagner-Deitch IU 28: Lynne Snyder 12