Written by: Dr. JJ Shepherd CSCE 146 Hey Remember Java? Written by: Dr. JJ Shepherd
Objectives Review the basics of Java Variables Branch Statements Loops Arrays Classes Inheritance Exceptions
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145 Was Sure Neat Hey you passed! That’s pretty rad Let’s review!
Variables Used to store information Has a defined size Two Types of Variables Primitive Types int, double, char Class Types String, PrintWriter, Exception
Variables Defining Variables Tells the computer to allocate storage in memory given a name Concept Example <<type>> <<name>>; int tacosConsumed; String tacoConvo;
Variables Initializing and Assigning Variables Sets variable to a defined value Concept Example <<name>> = <<value>>; tacosConsumed = 20; tacoConvo = “I ate “ + tacosConsumed + ” tacos. I feel sick now”;
Branch Statements Used for decision making problems If statement concept if(<<boolean expression>>) { <<body statements>> }
Branch Statements Else statements are the catch all of if statements Only exist if there is a prior if statement Else Concept if(<<boolean expression>>) { <<if body>> } else <<else body>>
Branch Statements Else if’s are short handed if statements in else statements Else if concept else { if(<<boolean expression>>) <<else if body>> } else if(<<boolean expression>>) { <<else if body>> }
Branch Statements Switch statements are specialized branch statements that has cases which can be integers, characters, or Strings Switch concept switch(<<variable>>) { case <<value>>: <<case body>> break; … default: <<default body>> }
Loops Loops repeat code until a boolean condition is no longer true While Loop Concept while(<<boolean expression>>) { <<loop body>> }
Loops For loops are used to loop the body a set amount of times For loop concept for(<<counter>>;<<boolean expression>>;<<update counter>>) { <<loop body>> }
Loops Do while’s are dumb They stupidly run 1 to many times Concept do { <<loop body>> } while(<<boolean expression>>);
Arrays Arrays are collections of data of the same type Concept for declaring arrays Use a for loop to initialize each element in the array ***These are used a lot in this course*** <<type>>[] <<name>> = new <<type>>[<<amount>>];
Classes Blueprints to create objects Remember the steps Define the class Instance variables Constructors Accessors and Mutators Additional Methods
Classes Defining the class Concept public class <<name>> { <<body of the class>> }
Classes Instance variables are the attributes of the class Concept public class <<name>> { private <<type>> <<name>>; … }
Classes Constructs an instance of a class in memory and sets the instance variables to a value Default constructors have no parameters and set everything to a default value public <<name of the class>>() { <<set all instance variables>> }
Classes Parameterized Constructors have parameters that set one or all of the instance variables to a value Concept public <<name of the class>>(<<parameters>>) { <<set instance variables to parameters>> }
Classes Mutators are used to modify instance variables in a class Adds a layer of protection by validating values Concept public void <<set variable name>>(<<parameter>>) { this.<<variable>> = <<parameter>>; }
Classes Accessors are used to get values of instance variables outside of the class Concept public <<type>> <<get variable name>>() { return this.<<variable>>; }
Classes Methods are behaviors of classes Used internally and externally Accessors and mutators are methods Concept <<scope>> <<return value>> <<name>> (<<parameters>>) { <<body of the method>> }
Classes Static methods are static in memory Used as helper methods that exist outside of one particular instance <<scope>> static <<return value>> <<name>> (<<parameters>>) { <<body of the static method>> }
Inheritance Used to take the attributes and methods from a parent (super) class Concept public class <<name>> extends <<parent name>> { <<body of the class>> }
Inheritance In inherited constructors need to all the parent’s constructor by calling “super” Concept To call inherited methods use “super.” super(<<parameters>>); super.<<method name>>;
Interfaces Used as a blueprint to create classes. Classes are a blueprint to create instance of objects Only has method definitions Concept public interface <<name>> { <<method definition>>; … }
Interfaces Interfaces are the building concept of polymorphism To use an interface used “implements” Concept public class <<name>> implements <<interface name>> { <<body of the class>> }
Exceptions Gracefully allows programs to crash and an exceptional event happens To create exceptions extend the/an exception class Then call the parent’s constructors
Exceptions Concept public <<name>> extends <<Exception>> { public <<name>>(<<parameters>>) super(<<parameters>>) }
Exceptions Methods that can throw exceptions need to check for those cases Concept <<scope>> <<return>> <<name>> (<<parameters>>) throws <<Exceptions>> { … throw new <<exception name>>(); }
Exceptions If a method throws an exception it must be called in a try catch block that handles the exception Concept try { <<method that throws exception>>; } catch(<<exception name>> e) System.out.println(e.getMessage());