June Preszler and John Swanson Curriculum Curation for the Common Core.


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Presentation transcript:

June Preszler and John Swanson Curriculum Curation for the Common Core

CCSS: Common Core State Standards

DOE Modules Module 1: Focus on the Standards for Mathematical Practice Module 2: Focus Common Core KUD and Webb Leveling Module 3 – ELA: Focus on Informational Text and Career Readiness Module 3 – Math: 8 Standards of Mathematical Practices 202 Module 4: Curriculum Curation Module 5: Higher Order Instructional Practices Module 6: Assessing Higher Order Instructional Practices

Curation Background Module Four: The focus of the module is to learn about the year-long instructional road map/blueprint to implement Common Core State Standards that a Curriculum Curation Team developed in July. Participants will also navigate and analyze the curated resources that accompany the road map. Participants will walk away with a tool and process to develop more resources aligned to Common Core.

Lucy and Ethel on the Line

CCSS/School Days/Lucy on Line  How does Lucy and Ethel’s experience reflect the attitudes and experiences of some teachers (perhaps even administrators ) at your district?  What made the task so difficult?  Why is it just a bit like education?  What can we do to help teachers cope?

Curation Background What does it mean to curate?

Curation Background: Teams  ELA – 40 K-12 teachers  Math – 40 K-12 teachers  Participants were divided into four grade level groups  Selection of teachers was statewide

CackgrounCCcCuration Plans  July: Curation teams met one week for ELA and one week for Math to curate approximately 2,500 resources.  Before November: Teams will curate a minimum of 10 resources each and field test three resources.  October-November: Teams will meet for two days to review blueprint and provide additional comments, align curated resources within myOER to CCSS. By November more than 800 additional resources will be curated.  June: Teams will provide final comments to blueprint, continue to align resources to CCSS, continue to curate resources, explore the Lesson Plan Builder within myOER.

Curation Background  Where do we PUT the curated resources? What to do with resources once we find them?  Our answer: myOER—a site that houses resources and lessons.  What’s an OER? Open Education(al) Resource

An Online Pinboard Pinterest

O pen E ducational R esources myOER

Blueprint Rationale  Why do educators need a blueprint?  State’s response to questions from teachers  An effort to provide the “what and when”  Meant to be a helpful tool rather than a regulatory rule

What’s a Blueprint?  A blueprint simple helps educators identify what CCSS to teach and when to teach them.  The term blueprint has several synonyms including the following:  Road map  Scope and sequence  Curriculum map

Blueprints  Where we started:  ELA ELA  Math Math  Where we’re headed:  ELA and Math website ELA and Math

Blueprint Demo

Blueprint Next Steps  Make the blueprint truly reflective of the work SD educators have already completed.  Connect the blueprint, disaggregated standards AND the myOER site.  Provide links to strong myOER lessons that address each unit and the related CCSS.

Blueprints After seeing the direction the Curation Project is taking regarding the blueprint, respond independently to the following questions. Then discuss in your small groups.  Does your district use a blueprint/road map or scope and sequence?  How would you use the blueprint tool featured here?

Teacher Response: Curation  “Great to have so many materials all organized and in one spot!”  “Truly provides me with a wide variety of tools that have been curated by fellow teachers.”  “I LOVE this OER site. Today I found six--yes six-- great lessons I hope to incorporate soon. That is an awesome feeling.”  “A lot of work has been done to organize this all into one site. Easy access; very user friendly. Great lessons and ideas are stored there.”

Teacher Response: Blueprint  “Since I am teaching at a new level for next year I am excited to see the standards sequenced out in the Algebra I curriculum so I can see them play out.”  “As a new teacher the blueprint tool will be very helpful so I teach things in a proper order.”  “We need it as soon as possible so our schools know which standards to focus on first.”

Q & A