SUPERINTENDENT'S BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Roberto Padilla, Ed.D Newburgh Enlarged City School District March 23, 2015
Vision : Through the Work of All, we will achieve inclusive excellence! Mission: Inspiring students to become tomorrow's leaders beyond Academy Field!
REVENUE Where the money comes from
Factors Affecting the Budget Negative Impact Uncertainty of State Aid Restriction of Tax Ley Limit : 1.62% Increased Health Insurance Costs Increasing Special Ed Costs Positives Decrease in teachers Retirement System (TRS) Rate
Our Challenge - Restricted Revenues & Unfunded Mandates Legislative Mandates Regents Reform Agenda Common Core; Data Management; testing; Professional Development CR Part 154 Multiple Pathways Special Ed Compliance : Part 200 SPED Regs. APPR Tax Cert NECSD Dually certified teachers: bilingual Resource allocation: equity based Targeted Interventions Educating SWDs & ELLs Technology: Infrastructure; Smart Schools Repurpose & Maximize Staff Updating facilities Newburgh Prep-Charter School $1m Plus Adolescent Literacy
We are Responsive & Responsible Responsive Social emotional learning Alternative Learning needs Increased AIS/supports at all levels Personalized environments Reduced K Class Sizes Empowering Teacher Leaders Create Teaming opportunities Responsible Redirecting resources – blueprint decisions that are finally aligned Staying within tax levy limit Making Staying on course to stabilize fund balance Implementing multiple year financial planning Restructuring of ourselves- central office and supports
Budget to Budget Increase Budget to Budget Percent Increase=2.42% Tax Levy Percent Increase=1.69% Anticipated State Aid Increase=3.0%
Vision 2020: The Way Forward Pillar I: Data Systems Pillar 2: Equity & Excellence Pillar 3: Effective Leadership Pillar 4: Family & Community Engagement Pillar 5: Supportive Learning Environments
Pillar I: Data Systems Central Office reorganization Repurposing of positions in Curriculum and Instruction, Human Resource and Inclusive Education. Establishing allocation formula Evidence based decision making
Pillar III: Educational Equity and Excellence Early Childhood Foundation English as a New Language ( ENL) Alternative Education NFA Redesign
Pillar V: Supportive Learning Environment Parent University Connecting Services Pupil Personnel Services + FACE to meet the unique needs of the school district Alternative School RULER NFA Reorganization Structure Teachers leading Teachers
“Demography is not Destiny.” Dr. Deborah Jewel-Sherman