A Brief Overview of the Process. Why CTAP? During the development of the Salem to Manchester project, the public raised issues relative to growth. The.


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Presentation transcript:

A Brief Overview of the Process

Why CTAP? During the development of the Salem to Manchester project, the public raised issues relative to growth. The NH Department of Transportation established a commitment to provide the I-93 corridor region with resources for dealing with the challenges of growth... During the development of the Salem to Manchester project, the public raised issues relative to growth. The NH Department of Transportation established a commitment to provide the I-93 corridor region with resources for dealing with the challenges of growth...

CTAP will serve a region of 26 cities and towns

What are the Resources? Allocation of $3.5 million to provide a comprehensive Community Technical Assistance Program dealing with issues of growth in a 26 city/town region that will be most likely influenced by the planned I-93 reconstruction. Allocation of $3.5 million to provide a comprehensive Community Technical Assistance Program dealing with issues of growth in a 26 city/town region that will be most likely influenced by the planned I-93 reconstruction.

Early Thinking on CTAP Program Components Provide Communities with: Provide Communities with: Planning Tools and AnalysesPlanning Tools and Analyses Training, Education and MarketingTraining, Education and Marketing Specific Planning & Technical AssistanceSpecific Planning & Technical Assistance

Guiding Principles Not expert driven Not expert driven Raise the base level of knowledge of all participants Raise the base level of knowledge of all participants Support building of positive relationships between the wide range of participants Support building of positive relationships between the wide range of participants No “silver bullets” No “silver bullets” Meets the needs of local communities Meets the needs of local communities

Today’s Approach …… to assist towns and cities that are influenced by the planned re-construction of I-93

By providing a wide range of technical assistance and access to tools for innovative land-use planning

Through an approach… That the CTAP scoping process participants (local governments, NGOs and agencies) determine the type and form of support that is needed and desired. That the CTAP scoping process participants (local governments, NGOs and agencies) determine the type and form of support that is needed and desired.

Achieved Within a Six-Month Collaborative Planning Effort December 1st Kick-Off Session December 1st Kick-Off Session January 19 th Strategic Session #1 January 19 th Strategic Session #1 February 16 th Strategic Session #2 February 16 th Strategic Session #2 March 16 th Strategic Session #3 March 16 th Strategic Session #3 JuneWrap-Up Conference JuneWrap-Up Conference

That Includes: Convening a broad cross-section of this region…including representatives of: Convening a broad cross-section of this region…including representatives of: 26 Local governments26 Local governments Non governmental organizationsNon governmental organizations Regional, state, and federal agenciesRegional, state, and federal agencies

The overall process… (Started in December) Developed a shared vision of where you want to be in 20 years. Developed a shared vision of where you want to be in 20 years. This vision is based upon: This vision is based upon: the characteristics of your community that you value and wish to sustain the characteristics of your community that you value and wish to sustain changes you wish to encourage and changes you wish to encourage and changes that you wish to discourage. changes that you wish to discourage.

January… Review previous successful (and unsuccessful) approaches, actions, and events that were effective (or not effective) with planning, managing, and directing growth. Review previous successful (and unsuccessful) approaches, actions, and events that were effective (or not effective) with planning, managing, and directing growth. Assess resources currently lacking for your community that you need to plan for growth. Assess resources currently lacking for your community that you need to plan for growth.

February… Translate the Vision Map into prioritize objectives Translate the Vision Map into prioritize objectives Identify existing barriers that are in the way of achieving these objectives (economic, political, social, organizations, knowledge, etc.) Identify existing barriers that are in the way of achieving these objectives (economic, political, social, organizations, knowledge, etc.) Develop preferred strategies/ approaches that are most likely to address these barriers Develop preferred strategies/ approaches that are most likely to address these barriers (Choose members of Steering Committee) (Choose members of Steering Committee)

March… Identify the specific types of resources/strategies that are needed to fill the gap between the current resources of local government and what are needed to achieve the shared vision (prioritized objectives) Identify the specific types of resources/strategies that are needed to fill the gap between the current resources of local government and what are needed to achieve the shared vision (prioritized objectives) Feasibility assessment of proposed strategies Feasibility assessment of proposed strategies Set priorities on allocation of CTAP funds to provide these resources Set priorities on allocation of CTAP funds to provide these resources Identify elements of work plan Identify elements of work plan

April and May Steering Committee Meets Steering Committee Meets

Steering Committee Develops Blueprint Creation of the draft CTAP Scope of Work and Work Plan Detailing: Creation of the draft CTAP Scope of Work and Work Plan Detailing: Actions Actions Timeframes Timeframes Resources Resources Responsible Parties Responsible Parties

June: Present and Discuss Blueprint… Draft Scope of Services/Work Plan Review and discuss draft scope of services and work plan that details actions, time frames, resources, and responsible parties Review and discuss draft scope of services and work plan that details actions, time frames, resources, and responsible parties Solidify working relationships and next steps for each working committee Solidify working relationships and next steps for each working committee

Who is Involved?

Non-Governmental Advisory Committee Comprised of representative of non- governmental organization interested in issues of growth Comprised of representative of non- governmental organization interested in issues of growth Advises the Steering Committee on specific tools and strategies that can be utilized to achieve the goals of the CTAP initiative Advises the Steering Committee on specific tools and strategies that can be utilized to achieve the goals of the CTAP initiative Appoints approximately 15 individuals to participate in the strategic development process Appoints approximately 15 individuals to participate in the strategic development process Appoints three members to serve on the Steering Committee Appoints three members to serve on the Steering Committee

Corridor Communities Committee Comprised of representatives from each of the 26 local governments Comprised of representatives from each of the 26 local governments Serves as the key communication conduit between the 26 impacted communities Serves as the key communication conduit between the 26 impacted communities Participates in strategic scoping/development process Participates in strategic scoping/development process Appoints four members to serve on the Steering Committee Appoints four members to serve on the Steering Committee

Agency Committee Comprised of federal, state, and regional governmental stakeholders Comprised of federal, state, and regional governmental stakeholders Serves as the key coordinating entity for participating regional, state, and federal governmental agencies Serves as the key coordinating entity for participating regional, state, and federal governmental agencies Provides technical resources to the Steering Committee, as well as other committees involved in the CTAP initiative Provides technical resources to the Steering Committee, as well as other committees involved in the CTAP initiative Appoints three members to serve on the Steering Committee Appoints three members to serve on the Steering Committee

Future Steering Committee Primary leadership group that represents all stakeholders Primary leadership group that represents all stakeholders Consists of 10 representatives and one from NHDOT Consists of 10 representatives and one from NHDOT Primary decision making body for the CTAP initiative under the aegis of NHDOT Primary decision making body for the CTAP initiative under the aegis of NHDOT Develops overall CTAP “blueprint” from strategic planning process and develops annual work plans Develops overall CTAP “blueprint” from strategic planning process and develops annual work plans Coordinates sources of technical assistance, training programs, public information and educational resources, and innovative demonstration projects Coordinates sources of technical assistance, training programs, public information and educational resources, and innovative demonstration projects

Timeline 6 Months 4yr1yr2yr5yr3yr Planning and Scoping Implementation of Workplan

Outcome from Kick-Off Session (December 1 st ) Introduced all parties to the CTAP Initiative Introduced all parties to the CTAP Initiative Have an opportunity for colleagues to meet and share values Have an opportunity for colleagues to meet and share values Created a Vision Map Created a Vision Map Prioritized Key Elements of this Vision Prioritized Key Elements of this Vision

The Vision Map Twenty Years form now….if there is sustained growth…How do you want this region and your community to look, to feel, to have as a home? Twenty Years form now….if there is sustained growth…How do you want this region and your community to look, to feel, to have as a home?

The Vision Included… Priorities on How to Grow and Where to Grow Priorities on How to Grow and Where to Grow Mixed housing and business into new centers of communities Mixed housing and business into new centers of communities Vibrant Main streets Vibrant Main streets Walkable neighborhoods Walkable neighborhoods Affordable housing Affordable housing Preserving open space and rural character Preserving open space and rural character And Many other priorities And Many other priorities

Today…Session 1 January 19 th : Identify Issues, Goals, and Develop Objectives Case studies of NH smart growth initiatives and others Case studies of NH smart growth initiatives and others Inter- and intra committee building Inter- and intra committee building Assess effective and ineffective approaches for planning, managing, and/or directing growth Assess effective and ineffective approaches for planning, managing, and/or directing growth Assessment of local resources currently lacking that are needed to plan for growth Assessment of local resources currently lacking that are needed to plan for growth




Smart Growth Definitions The New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning has defined Smart Growth as: The New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning has defined Smart Growth as: “Growing smarter is to develop in a manner that strengthens communities and preserves the working landscape.” “Smart growth is a practical approach that brings people together to affirm and build on the values that define the character of a community or region…”

“Smart Growth means the control of haphazard and unplanned development and the use of land which results over time, in the inflation of the amount of land used per unit of human development, and of the degree of dispersal between such land areas.” "Smart growth' also means the development and use of land in such a manner that its physical, visual, or audible consequences are appropriate to the traditional and historic New Hampshire landscape.” And… The New Hampshire Legislature has defined Smart Growth as: The New Hampshire Legislature has defined Smart Growth as:

Strategic Development Process Is an integrated community-based effort on a regional scale Is an integrated community-based effort on a regional scale Seeks to be inclusive of all key groups within the community, regional, and state level Seeks to be inclusive of all key groups within the community, regional, and state level Provides information and resources for raising the base level of knowledge of all participants Provides information and resources for raising the base level of knowledge of all participants Supports building of relationships between stakeholders to further the understanding of each other’s perspectives Supports building of relationships between stakeholders to further the understanding of each other’s perspectives Designed to identify root problems and explore a wide range of approaches, strategies, and tools Designed to identify root problems and explore a wide range of approaches, strategies, and tools ……. With the goal of creating an overall 5 year scope of work “blueprint” with broad support and ownership. ……. With the goal of creating an overall 5 year scope of work “blueprint” with broad support and ownership.