FVS Out of the Box - Assembly Required Don Vandendriesche USDA Forest Service Forest Management Service Center Growth and Yield Group
Context: Forest Planning
Construction of Vegetative Yield Profiles Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests
Forest Planning Steps I.Forest Stratification II.Data Sources III.Model Calibration IV.Natural Growth Runs V.Treatment Prescriptions VI.Yield Profiles I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
I. Forest Stratification - National, broad, and mid-level planning often involves grouping stands of like attributes into vegetation classes. I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Stand Types: I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Stand Type: Dry Tolerant {Douglas-fir}
II. Data Sources - Two types of data: Spatial GIS … acres Temporal FIA … per acre USFS - Forest Inventory and Analysis Units {FIA} are mandated to conducted field inventories of all forested lands within the United States. I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Inventory Data I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Plot Count: Dry Tolerant {Douglas-fir} I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
III. Model Calibration I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles - It behooves users to validate the virtual world estimates generated by FVS versus the real world values obtained from inventory data.
- FVS Geographic Variants I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles Each FVS variant has its own set of species, growth and mortality functions, volume calculation procedures, etc.
- Measured vs. Modeled Trends I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles No Adjustments
- FVS: No Adjustments Measured Modeled I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- FVS Self-Calibration I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles Data are representative of growing conditions in the geographic area for which the variant was fit. Available increment data are used to modify predictions.
- FVS: Self-Calibration Measured Modeled I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Tree Defect I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles Merchantable Volume
- Tree Defect I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Tree Defect Applied Measured Modeled I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
IV. Natural Growth Runs I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles - Mortality and regeneration components are difficult aspects to model. One subtracts trees from the ecosystem, the other adds.
Stand Density Index (SDI) Trees per Acre Quadratic Mean Diameter (in) ln(D q ) = intercept *ln(TPA) I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- SDI & BA max I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles R1 Dominance GroupSDI MaximumBA Maximum DIP DTD MIW MTC LPP SII STA430200
- Stand Size Caps Measured Modeled I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Tree Mortality I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles The TreeSzCp keyword sets the morphological limits for maximum tree diameter and height The specified diameter acts as a surrogate for age to invoke senescence mortality.
- Measured vs. Modeled Trends I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles 1.Fvs Self-Calibration 2.Tree Defect Applied 3.Stand Size Caps {SDI-max, BA-max} 4.Tree Size Caps
- Regeneration Imputation I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles To impute implies the assignment of something to another. The process calls for querying existing data sets for representative stand types and tabulating their seedling component.
- Regeneration Questions I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles Relative to stand conditions … Seedling Count? Species Composition?
- REPUTE the Program I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles Repute embodies the concept of Regeneration Imputation. Repute reads the ‘Stand Table’ output files from the Fvsstand Alone program to develop regeneration keyword component files.
1.Fvs Self-Calibration 2.Tree Defect Applied 3.Stand Size Caps {SDI-max, BA-max} 4.Tree Size Caps 5.Regeneration Imputation - Measured vs. Modeled Trends I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles 1.Fvs Self-Calibration 2.Tree Defect Applied 3.Stand Size Caps {SDI-max, BA-max} 4.Tree Size Caps
- Regeneration Imputation Measured Modeled I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Summarize Assembly Process 1.FVS Self-Calibration {ReadCorD} 2.Tree Defect Applied {Defect} 3.Stand Size Caps {SDImax, BAmax} 4.Tree Size Caps {TreeSzCp} 5.Regeneration Imputation {Natural}
V. Treatment Prescriptions I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles - A silvicultural prescription is a ‘blueprint’ of recommended activities to be applied throughout the life span of a forest stand.
- Silvicultural System: DF -> PP I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Dry Tolerant: Even-Aged Rx I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
VI. Vegetative Yield Profiles I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles - Management plans address contemporary issues such as vegetation structure, disturbance events, and forest health.
- Ecosystem Components I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles *Structure Variables: Compute Post Processor - CC00P = Canopy Cover O" plus - CC10P = Canopy Cover 10" plus - CC15P = Canopy Cover 15" plus - CC20P = Canopy Cover 2O" plus - LYNX = Lynx Habitat *Fire Variables: Compute Post Processor - CRBD = Crown Bulk Density - TRIDX = Torching Index - Severe Fire - CRIDX = Crowning Index - Severe Fire - FIRE = Fire Hazard Rating - Torching x Crowning Index Matrix - SNAG10T = Snags 10"-20" - SNAG20P = Snags 20" plus *Pest Variables: Compute Post Processor - ESBTL = Spruce Beetle - DFBTL = Douglas-fir Beetle - PPBTL = Ponderosa Pine (MPB/WPB) - WPBTL = Western White Pine (MPB) - LPBTL = Lodgepole Pine (MPB) - HZBTL = Composite Beetle Hazard - BDWTSM = W. Spruce Budworm/DF Tussock Moth *R1 Vegetation Variables: R1 Stand Classifier Post Processor - DomGrp = Dominance Group (a.k.a. Cover Type) - SizNTG = Size Class (National Technical Guide standards) - StndAge = Stand Age
- Commodity Coefficients I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles *Base Model Output Variables: Fvsstand Alone Post Processor - Plt_Acres = Plot Acres (Count) - Trt_Acres = Treatment Acres (Count) - LTr.AllSx = Live/Trees per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes - LAH.AllSx = Live/Average Height/All Species/All Size Classes - LBA.AllSx = Live/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes - LCA.AllSx = Live/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes - LBd.AllSx = Live/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes - HTr.AllSx = Harvest/Trees per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes - HAD.AllSx = Harvest/Average DBH/All Species/All Size Classes - HAH.AllSx = Harvest/Average Height/All Species/All Size Classes - HBA.AllSx = Harvest/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes - HCA.AllSx = Harvest/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes - HBd.AllSx = Harvest/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes
- SPRAY the Program I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles
- Yield Files I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles Strata Proj_Year St_Age/10 Stand_Age StDnIndex CulmMAI-A Qd_Mn_Dia Plt_Acres Trt_Acres LTr.AllSx LAD.AllSx LAH.AllSx VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1e VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r VDTD12B1r
- YEP the Program I. StratificationII. DataIII. CalibrationIV. NaturalV. TreatmentsVI. Profiles