League of Women Voters November 18, 2014
Housing mix (about 50% of housing is owner- occupied) Median rents Median home prices Incomes by neighborhood and proximity to restricted housing
Single Family Detached Single Family Attached Duplex Triplex Fourplex 5 to 19 units 20 or more units Total Housing units 46%8%6%14%25%283,659
Median rents DenverAdams County Arapahoe County Boulder/ Broomfield Jefferson County All$1056$963$1007$1194$1036
Median home price DenverAdams County Arapahoe County Boulder County Jefferson County 2000$170,000$163,500$170,000$237,000$195, /2013$269,000$195,000$225,000$345,000$253,000
Guiding Principles Affordable housing as an economic driver Continuum of affordable housing Eight priorities in the plan
Access to decent affordable housing is a fundamental need People should have the ability to live in the community in which they work and serve Denver residents should have a range of housing options across income levels and neighborhoods
Critical Needs Up to 30% AMI Single-person household income up to $16,100 Workforce Rental 30-80% AMI Single-person household income up to $42,960 Workforce Ownership % AMI Single-person household income up to $64,440
Affordable & Workforce housing plays a critical role in growing our local & metro economy Availability of safe, secure housing within a reasonable distance of work is a primary concern of employees and employers Businesses cite workforce housing availability as a top decision criteria for their location Housing brings new customers to neighborhood retailers & restaurants Housing investments creates construction jobs
Priority 1Increase Housing Resources Priority 2Revise and Articulate City Funding Process Priority 3Reduce Regulatory Burden of Subsidized Housing Development Priority 4Provide Additional Critical Needs and Homeless Housing Priority 5Increase Housing Diversity Priority 6Preserve Workforce and Critical Needs Housing Priority 7Provide Greater Home Ownership Opportunities Priority 8Encourage Sustainable Housing Development
Steady reductions in Federal funding for affordable housing; may continue Popularity of some neighborhoods raises prices Compared to region; Denver prices high but percentage of lower income is higher in Denver BUT Adding affordable units near stations and along bus routes addresses overall affordability City supporting affordable housing with General Fund funding City priority and active non-profits
Address in citywide and small area plan Coordination/participation (e.g. helped develop TOD fund) Coordinate with DHA and OED (e.g. worked with DHA on 10 th and Osage station plan and subsequent Mariposa development) Zoning code (e.g. adding ability in some neighborhoods to do ADU’s, reduced parking requirements for affordable housing) Process developments including affordable
Housing Denverwww.denvergov.org/housing Transit Oriented Denverwww.denvergov.org/cpd Blueprint Denver; Land Use & Transpowww.denvergov.org/blueprintdenver Comp Plan; how we plan; small area planswww.denvergov.org/cpd