August 30, 2012 Min. de Economía y Finanzas Públicas, Rep. Argentina Secretaría de Hacienda eSIDIF WITSA PRESENTATION SUMMARY
2 What is eSidif? BudgetExpensesPurchasingTreasury Accounting & Other eSidif is a comprehensive financial support system for the federal government. It handles over US$ 185 billion in financial transactions a year. It’s main modules are: Budget Formulation Budget Amendments Finance Planning Execution Planning Budget Evaluation HR Goods, Services and other General Expenses Transfer Charges Debt Servicing and Financial Assets Off-Budget Expenses Travel tickets and per-diems Payment Scenarios Selection and Confirmation of Payment Orders Selection and Confirmation of Payment Withholdings Embargoes and Transfers/Grants Revolving Funds Financial Planning Single Treasury Account Resources Bank reconciliation Property Management
3 Impact A role model for eGovernment, eSidif drives efficiency, better management and control into government process. eSidif was designed so that its benefits spill- over the private sector and non-federal entities Electronic signature Paperless transactions Electronic tray Innovation drives efficiencies Decentralized results-based metrics Central database and centralized reporting Business Intelligence embedded in the system Accountability drives better decision-making Integration with the Tax Revenue agency So flexible it is being adopted by Provincial Administrations Best practice design allows for benefits to spill-over
4 Transparency In addition to the internal transactional and Business Intelligence systems, eSidif is the cornerstone for two external portals. Citizen’s Portal Up to date information on the Budget and the spending Historical data Charts, tables and educational content in plain language Supplier’s Portal Web access to government suppliers, for self-help and tracking invoices, orders, payments and withholdings Easy to navigate and to perform searches. State of the art security. Direct link to the Tax Revenue Agency
5 Blueprint for other public sector projects The project managed to overcome the typical pitfalls of large transformational public endeavors and is seen as guide for other projects. Incremental deployments allowed: User buy-in Continued political support Inclusive process of user participation allowed: Learning from previous efforts Decrease adoption barriers Public sector, private sector and academia participation was key to: Ensure access to the best talent and technology available Contain costs
6 Methodology and Technology best practices – a breakthrough The team applied best practices in technology and software development to ensure the project was cost-effective and dependable. This also yielded a flexible and robust system that can be deployed under many different scenarios. Incremental development using a RUP/Scrum combination Dedicated Architecture, QA, Testing & Methodology teams Continuous integration Automated testing Methodological focus to ensure quality and productivity SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Object Oriented Development “Best of Breed” languages and frameworks: Java, Hibernate, Spring, JBoss, Eclipse, Oracle Database, JUnit, JMock, Mockito, WindowTester, AspectJ, JMeter, JasperReports State of the Art Technology