Bucket List Writing Assignment One 8 th Grade Language Arts Day One.


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Presentation transcript:

Bucket List Writing Assignment One 8 th Grade Language Arts Day One

What is a Bucket List?

A Bucket List is a list of things you want to accomplish before you “kick the bucket” (what does that mean?).Bucket List Your Bucket List should be realistic, but challenging. – Choose activities that you will be able to do, but are not too simple or difficult.

Eliminating Activities from your List In order to eliminate one thing from your list, you must successfully complete that activity. Not completing an activity can leave you feeling disappointed in yourself and regretting that you would have worked harder to achieve that goal.

Eliminating Activities from your List

Bucket List At the end of the year, hopefully you will be able to eliminate some things from your list. Keep in mind that the year flies by and you will need to set time aside for these things that mean something to you. Make sure to challenge yourself, but be realistic. Homework: Fill out your bucket list!

Bucket List Writing Assignment One 8 th Grade Language Arts Day Two

What’s on YOUR Bucket List? A boy named Max, who lives in England, watched the movie and created his own bucket list.

What’s on YOUR Bucket List?

Writing a Paper from your Bucket List Your paper should follow this outline. I.Introduction I.Introduce yourself II.Provide a description of who you are II.Middle School (Short Term) Paragraph I.List goals II.Provide reasons III.High School (Long Term) Paragraph I.List goals II.Provide reasons IV.Life (Long, Long Term) Paragraph I.List goals (choose your top 3-4) II.Provide reasons V.Conclusion I.Summarize II.Wrap up

Writing a Paper from your Bucket List Each paragraph NEEDS to be 5-7 sentences, INCLUDING your introduction and conclusion. – In the intro, provide some information about who you are (your past, your family, your likes & dislikes). – In your conclusion, pick a few of your most favorite list items and tell why you are particularly excited about those then wrap up. – For each paragraph in between, it should be very easy to write at least 6 sentences (one sentence for each goal + one for each reason = 6 sentences)

Writing a Paper from your Bucket List Each paragraph is worth 5 points (total for paper = 25 points) Your Bucket List itself is worth 10 (due TODAY!) Bringing a completed rough draft on Monday is worth 10 points We’ll peer edit/proofread on Monday Bringing a completed final typed copy on Wednesday is worth another 5 points. This project is worth a TOTAL 50 points.