Bucket elevators Basic types Pitched bucket elevator Continuous bucket elevator Belt Conveying material Round steel chain Chain Central chain
Bucket elevators Belt bucket elevators
Bucket elevators Chain bucket elevators Round steel chain Central chain
Bucket elevators Feeding methods Scoop-feeded Fly-feeded
Bucket elevators Discharge methods Pitched Continuous Centrifugal discharge Perfect discharge Outside discharge Inside discharge
Bucket elevators Discharge principle Inner radius COG radius Outer radius Pole distance
Bucket elevators Capacity calculation Force calculation Mass / meter Sum. resistant coeff. Mat. flow Speed
Screw conveyors Transported materials: material not sensitive to the crunching effect of the screw (ashes, chemicals, fertilizers, food products, meal, ores, paper pulp, salt, sand...) Screw types
Screw conveyors Flow direction types Material in the trough
Screw conveyors Construction Parts: 1 Trough 2 Screw 3 End bearing Section A-A Parts: 1 Trough 2 Screw 3 End bearing 4 Head bearing 5 Hanging bearing 6 Drive motor 7 Coupling 8 Gear 10 Feed opening 11 Discharge opening Pushed or pulled screw?
Screw conveyors Required power of a horizontal screw: Capacity of a horizontal screw: P = ρhIv(Lf±H) in W ρh= Bulk density Iv= Volumetric capacity L= Horizontal distance of start and end points H= Height difference of start and end points f= General resistance factor (0,3 – 4,4) Capacity in m3/h Diameter of the screw in m Screw pitch in m Speed of screw in 1/min Fill factor φ=0,125 high-density, highly abrasive material φ=0,25 high-density, lightly abrasive material φ=0,32 low-density, lightly abrasive material φ=0,4-0,5 low-density, non-abrasive material k = factor for inclined screw inclination For ribbon screws: Max. allowed screw speed exists! k factor
Screw conveyors Vertical screws Minimal required speed of the screw At critical speed Above critical speed
Roller conveyors Transported material: Type of roller elements: different unit loads, such as: boxes paletts long steel or wood material component assemblies Type of roller elements: - Rollers - Wheels (skates) - Balls Classification of roller conveyors: - Gravity roller conveyors - Manual roller conveyors - Powered roller conveyors
Gravity and manual roller conveyors Fixed Expandable v vlimit Accumulation of the transported unit load t
Powered roller conveyors Individually-driven rollers Belt straight modules only transport rollers tensioning rollers
Powered roller conveyors Chain Round belt Lineshaft
Accessories for horizontal diversion Pusher Chain transfer Sliding shoes Turntable Pop-up belt
Accessories for vertical diversion Elevator rope belts non-continuous Paternoster continuous
Accessories for vertical diversion Vertical spiral conveyor Paternoster with sorting function