Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 20081 SLS F illing P attern F eedback (FPF) system Charge Distribution Control in.


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Presentation transcript:

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October SLS F illing P attern F eedback (FPF) system Charge Distribution Control in SLS Storage Ring

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 2 Why? SLS Storage Ring Bunch Train Camshaft Bucket  total ring length = 960 ns  each RF bucket = 2 ns  electron bunch length ~ few tens of picoseconds Provide any desired bunch pattern i.Which buckets to fill ii.How much charge/current

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 3 Better charge distribution Without filling pattern feedback With filling pattern feedback Longer lifetime in the middle of bunch train

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 4 Better beam stability X-BPM positions at 4S and 6S Filling pattern feedback starts

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 5 How? ■ Avalanche Photo Diode (APD) after bending magnet ■ Sample APD reading with fast ADC ■ Sort readings into buckets and integrate ■ Calibrate and scale readout ■ Compare to reference pattern ■ Sort buckets according to charge difference ■ Distribute bucket list for next injections ► Adjust electron gun trigger delay (linac timing) ► Transfer charges from BO to SR at the right time (main timing)

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 6 FANFAN CPUCPU EVGEVG Main timing IOC LAN 2. Distribute bucket list (CA) EVREVR CPUCPU Injection control IOC Pulsed magnets triggers EVREVR CPUCPU ADCADC VHQVHQ MOTMOT DLYDLY CPUCPU Linac timing IOC E-gun trigger EVREVR Avalanche Photo Diode Timing events 1. Sample filling pattern 3. Synchronize bucket list Filling pattern IOC

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 7 Filling pattern readout Sampled bunch Integrated bunches

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 8 Bucket list distribution problem IOC_1 (filling pattern) IOC_3 (main timing) IOC_2 (linac timing) CA Synchronization over network not reliable

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 9 Bucket list synchronization IOC_1 IOC_3 IOC_2 newcurrent = ? copy recv. generate bucket list unlock_event CA

Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 10 Actual pattern Ref. pattern Filling pattern control panel