Operating Systems CSE 411 CPU Management Sept Lecture 7 Instructor: Bhuvan Urgaonkar
Last class –Dispatcher –Context switch, FCFS, SJF, SRPT, RR, Priority, Quantum size –Read on your own: Multi-level (feedback) queue based scheduling Today –More on CPU scheduling
Proportional-Share Schedulers A general class of scheduling algorithms Process P i given a CPU weight w i > 0 The scheduler needs to ensure the following –forall i, j, |T i (t 1, t 2 )/T j (t 1,t 2 ) - w i /w j | ≤ e –Given P i and P j were backlogged during [t 1,t 2 ] Who chooses the weights and how? Application modeling problem: non-trivial –Approaches: analytical, empirical A part of my Ph.D. thesis Many PS schedulers developed in the 90s –E.g., Start-time Fair Queueing (Qlinux UT-Austin/Umass-Amherst)
Lottery Scheduling [Carl Waldspurger, MIT, ~1995] Perhaps the simplest proportional-share scheduler Create lottery tickets equal to the sum of the weights of all processes –What if the weights are non-integral? Draw a lottery ticket and schedule the process that owns that ticket –What if the process is not ready? Draw tickets only for ready processes –Homework 1: Calculate the time/space complexity of the operations Lottery scheduling will involve –Likely question on Exam 1 !!!
Lottery Scheduling Example P1=6P2=9 Schedule P2
Lottery Scheduling Example P1=6P2=9 Schedule P1
Lottery Scheduling Example As t ∞, processes will get their share (unless they were blocked a lot) Problem with Lottery scheduling: Only probabilistic guarantee What does the scheduler have to do –When a new process arrives? –When a process terminates? P1=6P2=9 Schedule P2
Work Conservation Examples of work-conserving schedulers: All schedulers we have studied so far Examples of non-work-conserving schedulers: –DFS, a PS scheduler for multi-processors (Abhishek Chandra, Umass, 2000, now at Univ. of Minnesota) Experiments showed the scheduler had become NWC! Fair Airport to convert into a WC scheme NWC Scheduler WC Scheduler
Reservation-based Schedulers Each process has a pair (x, y) –Divide time into periods of length y each –Guaranteed to get x time units every period Can be Non-work-conserving
Rate Regulation: Leaky Bucket A type of reservation-based scheduling Leaky bucket policing –Rate r i for process P i –CPU cycles over period t r i * t riri bibi CPU requirement CPU the process gets Max. rate at which the process may progress burst
Rate Regulation: Token Bucket A type of reservation-based scheduling Token bucket policing –Rate r i and burst b i for process P i –CPU cycles over period t r i * t + b i riri b i tokens CPU requirement burst
Deadline-based Scheduling Can be NWC Several variants NP-hard Real-time systems “Soft” real-time systems –E.g., media servers: 30 MPEG-1 frames/sec –A few violations may be tolerable
An Interesting Problem: An Invitation to do Research on CPU Scheduling Can we achieve the effect of a scheduler that can provide resource guarantees using a priority-based scheduler? You are welcome to talk to me during office hours if you find this interesting or if you have any thoughts on this
Hierarchical Schedulers Variety of schedulers Subsets of processes with different scheduling needs Reservation-based (4, 10) (6, 10) LotteryRound-robin w=1 w=2 UNIX Processes
Scheduler Considerations: Context-Switch Overhead Switching context –User mode to Kernel mode –Save PCB –Process interrupt (e.g, TCP/IP processing) if needed –Run scheduling algorithm –Load registers (e.g., PC) from PCB of chosen process –Flush TLB (will discuss this under memory management) Switching to user mode Jumping to the proper location in the user program to restart that program Context switch time for Pentium/Linux: tens of microsec So how often should the scheduler be invoked?
Scheduler Considerations: Quantum Length The duration for which a CPU-intensive process will run before being scheduled out in favor of another process Different processes may have different quantum lengths –E.g., UNIX: Higher priority => Larger quantum Typically tens of msec in modern systems Small => Context switch overhead high Large => Bad responsiveness => Interactive processes suffer
Scheduler Considerations: CPU Accounting Scheduler maintains CPU usage, last scheduling instant etc. in each PCB Who should be charged for the CPU usage during interrupt processing? –Optional reading: Resource containers (Rice University, OSDI 1999, Gaurav Banga et al. )
Scheduler Considerations: Time and Space Requirements Run time (n processes) –FCFS: O(1) –RR: O(1) –Deadline-based algos: NP-hard variants, poly-time heuristics Update time: Operations done when set of processes changes (new, terminate, block, become ready) Space requirements –Space to store various data structs
Scheduler Evaluation Optimize one or more of response time, waiting time, throughput, fairness, utilization,.. Overheads –Run time (time to pick the next process to schedule) –Update time –Space requirements
Analytical Approaches to Scheduler Evaluation Example 1: Our evaluation of FCFS and SJF Example 2: Queueing Theory –Little’s Law: applies to any scheduling discipline –avg_num_processes_in_system = tput * avg_time_spent_in_system –Queuing theory provides expressions for mean response time for certain scheduling policies (FCFS, PS, LCFS) –Other statistical properties of response time only under restrictive assumptions on arrival process and service time runningwaiting yet to arriveserviced
Discussion: Analytical Approaches Pros: –Intellectually satisfying! –Quick, no code to be written –May provide generally applicable results Cons: –Often over-simplified Hard to model complex scheduling algorithms Lack of info about workloads
Simulation-based Evaluation Write software that mimics the behavior of the scheduler Subject it to realistic workload Observe output and make inferences about performance of scheduler Only need to know the algorithms, no need to do complex math Easier to implement than the actual system
Prototyping Build it!
Analysis, Simulation, and Prototyping Compared Analysis Simulation Prototyping accuracy, programming skills effort, time investment, mathematical skills, generality
Hybrid Approaches Analysis SimulationPrototyping
What is a Thread? A basic unit of CPU utilization like a process (not necessarily known to the OS though) “Smaller” than a process –Part of a process –Shares code + data + some other OS resources with other threads that belong to the same process
User Threads Thread management done by user-level threads library OS doesn’t know about the existence of these threads Three primary thread libraries: – POSIX Pthreads – Win32 threads – Java threads
Kernel Threads OS sees and manages these threads OS provides system calls to create, terminate, etc. (just like the system calls it provides for processes) Examples –Windows XP/2000 –Solaris –Linux –Tru64 UNIX –Mac OS X
Benefits Responsiveness Resource Sharing Economy Utilization of MP Architectures