+ How to Fill a Bucket Sponsored by the Lafayette PTA 2012
+ Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo
+ The Optimist Creed Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Talk health, happiness and prosperity to everyone you meet. Make all your friends feel special. Look at the sunny side of everything. Think the best, work for the best, and expect the best. Be enthusiastic about the success of others. Forget mistakes of the past and press on toward a positive future. Greet every living creature you meet a smile. Take time to improve yourself so you have NO time to criticize. Be too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
+ Lead by Example Bucket-fillers make the world a better place by saying and doing kind things. Tell your family WHY you love and respect them. Mention the many little things your loved ones do that make you happy. Be sincere. Fill the buckets of your other family members by telling them why you love them too.
+ Bucket-filling Starts at Home! Remind your child to fill a bucket as they begin each day. Tell them you will do the same. In the evening, talk about what you did to fill a bucket. Talk about how good it felt to fill someone’s bucket. Help your child come up with bucket-filling ideas. At the same time, be sure to reinforce personal safety. Teach your family to keep a lid on their buckets to overcome the negative effects of bullies or bucket dippers.
+ MAKE THE BUCKET-FILLING COMMITMENT New habits don’t develop without conscious effort and practice. On a daily basis, think of ways to apply the bucket-filling philosophy and share them with other friends and family members.
+ Together we can make a difference!