FACULTY Meeting Presented by Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman Partnering with Teachers to Increase Happiness and Kindness in Harrison Avenue One Bucket at a Time
Thinking Affects Feeling How One THINKS About A Situation Affects How One Feels.
Experiment What Do You See? Look around the room and try to find all the examples of RED you can see. What have you spotted? Dr. Caren
So What Can We Do As a Community to Increase Happiness and Decrease Stress?
BUCKET FILLING Have You Filled A Bucket Today?
5 th Grade Leadership Program - How it Started?
What Are We Doing? 5th Grade Leadership Opportunities through Service Club The Programs Special Needs Program Kindergarten Program 4 th Grade Program Bucket Filling Committee The Topics How Can I Decrease my Stress and Increase my Happiness? Bullying Friendship
Bucket Filling: 3 Rules
Rule 1: Be a Bucket Filler You can fill a bucket by acts of kindness to yourself and/or others. When you fill a bucket you feel good as well as the other person.
Rule 2: Don’t Dip When you dip into someone’s else’s bucket, you dip into your own. If we do dip (and we all do dip sometimes) - sincerely apologize.
Rule 3: Use Your Lid Protect Your Own Bucket- guard and protect the good thoughts and feelings inside your bucket with your lid. Remember the person who is dipping is the one with the problem. Your lid controls how much you let out of your bucket. Use your lid to protect other people’s bucket.
Bucket Filling Pledge
Bucket Filling Activity
Fill A Bucket Song Q1NE Q1NE
Next Steps How can we bring bucket filling to each grade? How can we bring bucket filling to our whole community?
Some Last Thoughts Behavior is Contagious Mirror Neurons When We Individually Choose to be More Positive We Don’t Just Affect Ourselves We Affect Our Whole Community! Change Challenges to Opportunities “For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” –Hamlet
From Challenge to Opportunity After SANDY Seeing it as an OPPORTUNITY