Time & Labor & Absence Management Requesting Time Off Employee Self-Service (ESS) Absence Entry
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Check with your manager to determine his/her method for requesting time off. Two options available: 1.Request time off via HRS. Your manager will either Approve, Deny, or Push Back the request in HRS. then 2.Request time off by another method ( , calendar, etc.) Once your manager gives the approval, then you record the absence in HRS at the same time when you submit your timesheet or leave report. Requesting Time Off
How Do I Enter Time Off in HRS?
The Absence Entry and Approval Process Employee Enter and Submit Request Adjust Timesheet if necessary HRS Sends request to manager Manager Views Requests Approves Denies Pushes Back Manager Adjusts Employee Timesheet if necessary
The HRS Absence Request and Approval Process
Earned Balance Vacation/Legal Holiday Earned Balance This is the amount of Vacation and/or Legal Holiday that an employee earns per pay period based on paid hours or hours worked. Allocated vs. Earned Allocation Vacation/Legal Holiday Allocation Amount of Vacation and Legal Holiday given to the employee at the beginning of the calendar and/or fiscal year based on employee data. not You can take ALL or parts of your allocated balance at any time during the year, however, it is recommended to not use in excess otherwise you may not have enough legal holiday hours needed to be paid for remaining holidays. Allocated vs. Earned Example
Vacation Allocation = 120 hours Earned Vacation Balance = 23 hours Vacation Allocation: 120 hours – 40 hours = 80 hours Vacation Earned Balance: 23 hours – 40 = -17 hours
Allocated vs. Earned Example
Words of Warning Once your full Vacation and/or Legal Holiday Allocation buckets are empty, they cannot be filled up again until the new fiscal or calendar year.
Words of Warning If you left the UW System suddenly with -17 hours, you would owe UW System 17 hours worth of pay. Conversely, if you have a positive earned balance, you will be paid out the remaining vacation hours.
Accessing the Portal - Entering an Absence All employees will log in to the My UW System portal at – The Work Record tab can be found on the far right hand side of the page. – Click on the Work Record tab – Time and Absence
HRS Absence Request Page Start Date Always enter the Start Date of the absence you are requesting. Absence Name Select an Absence Name (such as: Sick, Vacation, etc.) from the drop down list. Once the absence name is selected, corresponding absence options will appear.
HRS Absence Request Page (cont.) End Date: IF same absence type same number of hours End Date: You can enter the last work day of your absence, IF you are taking the same absence type (Vacation) and the same number of hours (8 hours per day). After selecting an Absence, the Current Balance for the type of absence you have chosen will appear for your reference. This will help you identify if you have enough hours available. All Days Select All Days in the Partial Days field. After you have entered the hours per day, click on the Calculate End Date or Duration button. By clicking this button, you can verify the hours are correct. For example, if you entered a Start Date and End Date that spanned two weeks, HRS will calculate 8 hours every day, not just work days. By utilizing this button, you can verify the hours are correct. Enter the number of hours per day in the Hours Per Day field. For example, you want to use 8 hours of vacation per day. Any comments you type here will be seen by your Manager when they go in to approve the request. Once you have clicked on the Submit button, your absence will go directly to your manager for approval. DO NOT use the Save for Later button. If used, you must remember to go back into HRS and either Submit or cancel the request.
Viewing Balances
Absence Scenario
Marsha is not feeling well in the morning at work. She decides to leave work at noon to go home to rest. Partial Day Absence Request Scenario #1 Start Date Before Marsha left work, she entered the Start Date and the absence of Sick Leave.
Partial Day Absence Request Scenario #1 End Date Marsha entered the End Date, therefore, she does not need to enter the Duration. HRS will calculate this value for Marsha upon clicking on the Calculate End Date or Duration button.
Submitting an Absence Submit Confirmation Once you submit an Absence request, you will see a Submit Confirmation verifying the Absence was successfully submitted. Request Details The Request Details displays the Absence request. The example shows, the Marsha has requested 4 hours of sick leave.
Partial Day Absence Requests Check Your Timesheet!
How Do I Know if an Absence is Approved, Denied or Pushed Back? The following slides will help you understand how to check the status of your absence requests. You will also learn how to proceed from the decision your manager may have made.
Submitted Absence Status After you’ve logged in from the Portal and select Request an Absence, click the View Absence Request History hyperlink to view the status of your absence request(s). Your manager either Approved, Denied, or Push Back your request.
ApproveDenyPush Back Approve, Deny, Push Back I
Contact your supervisor and/or payroll coordinator Knowledge Base documents – Contact the Help Desk: – Phone: or – Available Resources