Welcome to our Classroom! Armor Elementary School “Expectations for Excellence” Mrs. AmanArea 11
School and Classroom Rules Area 11 has 5 simple, yet very important, rules and expectations: (1.) Treat everyone with kindness and respect. (2.)Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. (3.)Follow directions as soon as they are given. (4.) Raise your hand when you have something to say. (5.)Be a friend to EVERYONE!
We Are Bucket Fillers! Did you know that everyone carries around an invisible bucket? When your bucket is full, you’re happy and feeling good about yourself. When your bucket is empty, you’re lonely and sad. We are Bucket Fillers!!!! No Bucket Dipping in Area 11!
Morning Meeting and Morning Message During our Morning Meeting we review calendar skills and preview our daily schedule. We keep track of how many days we’ve been in school. I also write the students a morning message every day that includes spelling, phonics, and grammar skills practice.
ELA Block: Weekly Selections We will be reading a variety of stories and selections throughout the year. Some of the selections will come from the Scott-Foresman Reading Series Anthology, while other selections are read using trade books. Comprehension skills and strategies are taught using our weekly selections. We will be reading an equal number of fiction and non-fiction selections.
ELA Block: Guided Reading Each child is a member of a small reading group, facilitated by Mrs. Aman. Students work on a variety of reading strategies and skills with their reading groups. Other students are busy at a variety of work stations while waiting for their reading group time.
ELA Block: Work Stations Our weekly, independent work stations include: Spelling Task Cards Buddy Reading Writing Vocabulary Practice Word Work Computers Math Science / Social Studies …and MORE!
ELA Block: Writers’ Workshop This year we will be writing personal narratives, informational, and persuasive pieces. At the end of each unit of study, your child will bring home his/her writing portfolio to share their pieces with you.
Spelling Every Monday a new list of spelling words is introduced and glued into your child’s Spelling notebook. Spelling tests are administered on Friday mornings. Students practice working with their spelling words at work stations during the week. Additional practice at home is necessary, as well.
Mathematics Level Two students focus on accuracy and memorization of addition and subtraction facts from We also focus on number sense, basic geometry skills, measurement, time, money, fractions, and problem solving.
Science The Level 2 Science themes include: -Balancing and Weighing -Changes (Solids/Liquids/Gases) -Life cycles (mealworms, “mystery animal”, and plants)
Social Studies The Level 2 Social Studies themes include: - Communities - Wants/Needs - Holiday traditions - Maps - Patriotic Symbols
Agendas and Homework Please check folders and sign your child’s agenda EVERY NIGHT! Please put any notes for the office or the nurse in your child’s folder!
Homework Homework is given most evenings to provide additional practice with skills and concepts that were learned in the classroom. On a typical Monday-Thursday you can expect your child to have math homework, as well as a reminder to study the week’s spelling words and do some reading for pleasure. Homework will be checked the following day. A “+” will be given if it is correct. A “c/r” (correct and return) will be at the top of the page if corrections are needed.
Above and Beyond Students will be given the opportunity to complete “Above and Beyond” (AAB) assignments throughout the school year. For each AAB assignment completed, one AAB coupon will be awarded. 5 AAB coupons can be turned in for a HOMEWORK PASS! *Some homework assignments are homework pass protected!*
Elementary Grading Policy / Report Card The bar is rising and more is being expected of your child with the adoption of the Common Core Curriculum. Please refer to the Elementary Grading Policy sheet in your Parent Information Night folder when looking over your child’s report card!
Weekly Specials Phys. Ed. : Wednesdays and Fridays… Please wear sneakers! Music: Tuesdays and Fridays Art - MondaysL.M.C. – Thursdays Don’t forget your books!
Snack Please pack a nutritious snack for your child everyday, even if he/she is purchasing a lunch from the café. **Crumbless snacks are appreciated!** Please remind your child that desserts/sweets should be saved for lunch!
Lunch Lunch is available for $1.75 in the cafeteria. A monthly lunch menu can be found online and in Hamburg Central’s newsletter, the Focus. This year we are taking a lunch count. If your child is buying a lunch, please be sure that they come to school knowing what they’d like. Our class eats lunch from 11:55 – 12:25.
Outdoor Play We will also go outside throughout the school year. Please be sure to dress your child according to the forecast. Boots are a MUST in the winter months!
Birthday Celebrations We love celebrating birthdays in Area 11! You are invited to send in a birthday treat for our class to enjoy on your child’s birthday. Common birthday treats include cupcakes, brownies, cookies, and ice cream treats. If your child has a summer birthday, we’ll pick a date to celebrate in June.
Classroom Parties Although I will be asking for classroom party volunteers, every parent will be called and asked to send in supplies for classroom parties. We will have a Halloween party, a pot-luck luncheon in November, a Christmas and Valentine’s Day party, and a 2 nd grade field day in June.
Thanks For Visiting With Us! We’re looking forward to a fantastic year!!