Morpheme Acquisition Roger Brown (1973) 심리언어학 조숙환
morpheme happy 'Happy’ ONE WORD, TWO SYLLABLES (ha-ppy), ONE MORPHEME (i.e., ONE meaning) unhappy ONE WORD, THREE SYLLABLES (‘un-ha-ppy’) TWO MORPHEMES (‘un’ and ‘happy’)
morpheme unhappily 'Unhappily' ONE WORD, FOUR SYLLABLES (un-happ-i-ly), THREE MORPHEMES ('un', 'happy' and 'ly'). unhappiest 'Unhappiest' ONE WORD, FOUR SYLLABLES, THREE MORPHEMES (‘un,’ ‘happy,’ and ‘est’)
"He meets the unhappiest boys" 1 sentence, 5 words, 8 syllables, 9 morphemes He meet s the un happi est boy s
"The girl's mother slowly filled the bucket with water" 1 sentence 9 words 13 syllables 12 morphemes The girl s mother slow ly fill ed the bucket with water