POSI/CHS/47158/2002 (March ) Contact: João Luís Sobral Goal Provide a single code base that efficiently execute on Multi-Core, Cluster and Grid systems Goal Provide a single code base that efficiently execute on Multi-Core, Cluster and Grid systems Approach Pluggable modules provide non-core functionality: Partition –> task partition among object aggregates Concurrency –> parallel execution / synchronisation Distribution –> object and data distribution Approach Pluggable modules provide non-core functionality: Partition –> task partition among object aggregates Concurrency –> parallel execution / synchronisation Distribution –> object and data distribution Main Results skeleton framework that helps the programmer to develop structured parallel and Grid applications [1] new approach to decompose a parallel application into (un)pluggable modules [2] and mechanisms to compose these modules library of abstractions for concurrent applications [3] that can also be used through code annotations library of aspects for application partitioning [4] run-time system that supports object distribution and automatic granularity control and tuning [5] Main Results skeleton framework that helps the programmer to develop structured parallel and Grid applications [1] new approach to decompose a parallel application into (un)pluggable modules [2] and mechanisms to compose these modules library of abstractions for concurrent applications [3] that can also be used through code annotations library of aspects for application partitioning [4] run-time system that supports object distribution and automatic granularity control and tuning [5] Selected Publications 1.J. Fernando, J. Sobral, A. Proenca. JaSkel: A Java Skeleton-Based Framework for Structured Cluster and Grid Computing, 6th IEEE Int. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid06), Singapore, May 2006, IEEE CS press. 2.J. Sobral. Incrementally Developing Parallel Applications with AspectJ, 20th IEEE Int. Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS06), Greece, Rhodes, April 2006, IEEE CS press. 3.C. Cunha, J. Sobral, M. Monteiro, Reusable Aspect-Oriented Implementation of Concurrency Patterns and Mechanisms, 5th ACM Int. Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD06), Bonn, Germany, March 2006, ACM press. 4.J. Sobral, C. Cunha, M. Monteiro, Aspect-Oriented Pluggable Support for Parallel Computing, 6th Int. Meeting of Vector and Parallel Processing (VecPar2006), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2006, LNCS vol. 4395, Springer J. Sobral, J. Fernando. ParC#: Parallel Computing in.Net, Parallel Computing Technologies 2005 (PaCT05), Russia, September 2005, LNCS vol. 3606, Springer Selected Publications 1.J. Fernando, J. Sobral, A. Proenca. JaSkel: A Java Skeleton-Based Framework for Structured Cluster and Grid Computing, 6th IEEE Int. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid06), Singapore, May 2006, IEEE CS press. 2.J. Sobral. Incrementally Developing Parallel Applications with AspectJ, 20th IEEE Int. Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS06), Greece, Rhodes, April 2006, IEEE CS press. 3.C. Cunha, J. Sobral, M. Monteiro, Reusable Aspect-Oriented Implementation of Concurrency Patterns and Mechanisms, 5th ACM Int. Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD06), Bonn, Germany, March 2006, ACM press. 4.J. Sobral, C. Cunha, M. Monteiro, Aspect-Oriented Pluggable Support for Parallel Computing, 6th Int. Meeting of Vector and Parallel Processing (VecPar2006), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2006, LNCS vol. 4395, Springer J. Sobral, J. Fernando. ParC#: Parallel Computing in.Net, Parallel Computing Technologies 2005 (PaCT05), Russia, September 2005, LNCS vol. 3606, Springer 2005.