Feedmill Report; Quick Scan
28 March 2013 Location of the plant. The total area of the place is about 7 hectares which has several land register references, so the feedmill has its own lot number.
28 March 2013 Location of the plant. The area is surrounded by a barb wire fence. The road from the village to the area is made of concrete. The backyard of the plant is covered with gravels.
28 March 2013 The feedmill: The building was constructed in the ’60s. After it was taken over by a Dutch owner. The technology was rebuilt with good second-hand machines from abroad in The factory was built of concrete and is covered with a cement-based material from 2 meters height. The roof of the factory is covered by corrugated slate
28 March 2013 The feedmill:
28 March 2013 Technologie The technological processes are the following (technological flow chart)
28 March 2013 Technologie A small scale intake pit inside the buliding loads 8 pcs of raw- material silos which are of approx tons capacity each. The pit is connected to a bucket elevator of approx. 40 tons/h capacity which transfers the material to the scew on top of the silos with a magnet. There are manual valves on top of the silos. The maximum level of silos is controlled by Endress+Hauser level sensors.
28 March 2013 Technologie
28 March 2013 Technologie The technological scale is loaded automatically from the silos with the help of screws. A Mitsubishi PLC is installed in the control system. The factory works with batches of about 1 ton. The material is loaded to the grinder pre-bin from the scale via an elevator with the help of a screw.
28 March 2013 Technologie
28 March 2013 Technologie The capacity of the hammermill is approx tons/h. The length of the hammermill’s rotor is 680 mm, the diameter is approx. 500 mm. The mixer is a ribbon mixer of 4,5 m3 capacity which seems to be in good condition. The small-components are loaded to the mixer through a pit and the oil is also loaded here through a pipe.
28 March 2013 Technologie
28 March 2013 Technologie The measure of the oil is carried out based on volume from a container.
28 March 2013 Technologie The ribbon mixer is followed by a shovelled screw-mixer (Simon Heesen) where the melas feeding has been intended to connect.
28 March 2013 Technologie The tank of melas is located behind the factory but it is not connected to the technology and its isolation is a little damaged. The mixed material is transported by 2 screws into the final goods silos or the pellet pre-bin. It is not possible to transport mashed feed; only bagged good production is solved.
28 March 2013 Technologie Pelletising is carried out by a small capacity pelletmachine. Its maximal capacity is 1-1,5 tons/h.
28 March 2013 Technologie The following machine is a cooler then a pelletsieve. The finished pellet feed is transported to the bagging pre-bin.
28 March 2013 Technologie The pellet condition with steam is done by a gasoline fed boiler which is almost new. Its pressure is 7-8 Bars. The steam system seems to be in good condition but the isolation of pipes could be improved.
28 March 2013 Raw-material warehouse Raw materials could be stored in a 2 storey approx. 500 tons capacity concrete building with fire alarm system.
28 March 2013 Energy resources: There is no piped natural gas but the main pipe is located not too far outside of the village. Electricity is provided by a 22kV electric cable. Water is provided from the village. The firewater network is built and there is a working fire alarm system except for the feedmill.
28 March 2013 Energy resources: The own transformer of the area is located on a pole and it is connected to the feedmill by 2 pcs of ground cables one of which is approx. 4x185 mm2 thick and the other is approx. 4x120 mm2 thick.
28 March 2013 Weightbridge: There is a mechanical weightbridge with 16 tons capacity at the corner of the factory. The top of the weightbridge is made of wood. The weightbridge house nearby needs to be reconstructed. The weightbridge works.
28 March 2013 Summary The factory applies technology built with good second-hand machines which are of small/medium capacity, but in good condition.