Four-leaf clover The four-leaf clover is often regarded as the object bringing luck, often searched by children. When it is found it means a good luck.
Spilled salt Spilling the salt means end of the divine care and breaking the bond with family and friends. If you have already spilt the salt – do not wait!. Immediately throw the small amout of salt over the left shoulder three times.
Number 13 universally is regarded unhappy and bringing bad luck. There is nothing worse than to have the thirteenth number in the daily newspaper, or to live on the thirteenth floor. Number 13
The Friday the thirteenth is regarded as the day full of dangers. To avoid any of them we should stay in bed, or under the table… Friday the thirteenth
Many persons believe in the fact that the black cat running before us brings bad luck. Therefore, they stop and wait until somebody else will first cross the road where the animal ran. Black cat
In many cultures it symbolizes the connection of the time and space. Some people are getting married on the seventh day of month because they believe that this day will bring them luck. Number seven
A lot of people think that walking under the ladder brings bad luck. They claim that after such an event a brick may fall onto their heads, or the bucket full of water can be poured onto them. Walking under the ladder
The broken mirror means seven years of the misfortune. It is possible however to prevent seven years of incessant disasters. According to some people it will be sufficient to wrap all pieces of the mirror up in the linen rag and to tie around seven times around, and then to wrap the double knot up and to throw it away. Broken mirror
Spilling ink Spilling ink may mean trouble, worries and the failure of the plan that have already been started.
We often forget about something and we are going back home – it will bring us bad luck. When inside, you should sit down and count from seven to one. Also, we should not move into the new house in April, July or in November. Superstitions connected with a house
Dropping and breaking an egg is an announcement of good news. But when the egg is not damaged, or only crack it is considered a bad luck. Superstitions connected with eggs
Dropping the piece of cutlery If you drop the spoon - expect the guest. If you drop the fork - a guest will be a woman. If you drop the knife - a guest will be a man.
The superstition says that when we see the chimney sweeper it is necessary to catch the button. We can release it only when we see the man in glasses, open window, or the smoke from the chimney. Seeing the chimney sweeper
QuizQuiz 1.What does it mean when we see a black cat? 2.What activities are associated with seeing the chimney sweep? 3.How many leaves has the good luck clover got? 4.What are the superstitions connected with a house? 5.What does broken mirror mean?
Answers 1.A black cat means bad luck. 2.When we see the chimney sweeper it is necessary to catch the button. We can release it when we see the man in glasses, the open window, or smoke coming out from the chimney. 3.Such clover has got four leaves. 4.Forgetting about something and going back into the house. Moving into the new house in April, July or November. 5.The broken mirror means seven years of the misfortune.
Thanks for watching my presentation Patrycja Orman