Ms. Reed English 3 September 12, 2011
Have you ever been falsely accused of something? How did you react? What was the outcome of the situation? If you have never been falsely accused of something, write about how you would react in this type of situation. Did/would your reaction help improve your situation?
What is fear? What happens when people become fearful? What is an “irrational fear”? What is a rational or realistic fear?
Examples of rational fearExamples of irrational fear
Directions: Respond to each statement prior to reading The Crucible. If you agree with a statement, write “yes” in the “before” column. If you disagree with a statement, write “no” in the “before” column. If you are unsure, write “unsure” in the “before” column.
BeforeStatementAfter Yes/No/UnsureConfessing to a crime you didn’t commit in order to avoid punishment is wise. Yes/No/Unsure It is better to die for what you believe in rather than lie to save your life. Yes/No/Unsure Courage means doing something even though it can be difficult and scary. Yes/No/Unsure Justice is best determined in a court of law. Yes/No/Unsure Adultery is acceptable in today’s society. Yes/No/Unsure
BeforeStatementAfter Yes/No/UnsureIt is okay to lie or cheat as long as you don’t get caught. Yes/No/Unsure Gossiping is a fun and harmless way to pass the time. Yes/No/Unsure If the majority of people believe something to be true, it must be true. Yes/No/Unsure
Why do people lie? Is it ever appropriate to lie? Write about two times when you have lied. Why did you lie? If you cannot think of two times you lied, think about two times you COULD have lied but you didn’t. Why didn’t you?
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Directions: Read each statement. If you believe that a statement is true, place a check in the Agree column. If you believe the statement is false, place a check in the Disagree column. Be ready to explain your choices.