KJ 010 English “ PRAISE OF THE LORD ” Syair: Joachim Neander (1680) Lagu: Stralsund (1665) / Kitab Freylinghausen (1741)


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PRAISE TO THE LORD Joachim Neander d 1680, trans. Catherine Winkworth d Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise.
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Presentation transcript:

KJ 010 English “ PRAISE OF THE LORD ” Syair: Joachim Neander (1680) Lagu: Stralsund (1665) / Kitab Freylinghausen (1741)

1 1 5 | | 7< 6< ' Praise to the Lord, the Al - mighty 5< | 6< 7< 1 | 2.. | 1.. ' | ‘ the King of cre - a - tion! KJ English BERSAMA

1 1 5 | | 7< 6< 5< ' | O my soul, praise him for he is Thy 6< 7< 1 | 2.. | 1.. ' | ‘ health and sal - va - tion. BERSAMA KJ English

5 5 5 | 6.. ' | | | 2.. ' | all ye who hear now to His temple draw near, 5< 6< 7< | | 2.. | 1.. } ‘ joining in glad a - do - ra - tion. BERSAMA KJ English