Critical analysis of recent English textbooks Petra Devers, Minke Van Hoof
Grammar Adverbs of frequency Family – Possessive Present simple Past continuous Pictures of English tenses Vocabulary Vocabulary and pronunciation Everyday English: Directions Daily activities Food Time Culture Postcards from London The UK quiz Megalopolis General knowledge quiz Murder most horrid Others Inventors Me, myself and I, Zodiac signs A game for global revision language. Human rights Amazing stories
Sources 1.Pictures of English Tenses 2.New Snapshot Starter + Elementary 3.New Headway Elementary + Pre-Intermediate + New Intermediate 4.Inside Out Pre-Intermediate 5.Transit Elementary + Pre-Intermediate Extra Stairway to English 2
+ Inside out – Pre-Intermediate: Nice layout and pictures. Transit : Nice pictures, colours and closely linked to pupil’s world. New Snapshot: Book comes with a cassette pronounciation Headway Every day English sections, brings abstract words closer to the pupil. Pictures of English Tenses: Easy drawings to copy and use in class on BB, transparency or worksheets.
Snapshot Elementary: Chaotic layout, no distinction grammar/voc. New New Headway Intermediate: Grids in TB that should be in WB Headway: Layout over-full -
Stairway to English 2 Why? Map inside cover + P53 talking about sport.
New Snapshot Starter p 67 Adverbs of frequency
Use? Development stage – Integration When? How? In pairs
New Snapshot starter p 37 Family- Possessive
Use? When? How? Development stage – Integration Individual
Present Simple New Headway Elementary P 20-21
Use? How? When? Initial stage Teacher reads about these people or the pupils read out loud. (Transparency)
Past continuous New Headway Pre-intermediate p24-25
Use? When? How? Development stage – Integration Individual or in pairs Correction: read out loud.
Pictures of English tenses Pictures of English Tenses entire book
Use? When? How? Initial stage Development stage – Presentation-Integration Show pictures and ask pupils what the people in the picture are doing. Let the pupils write a story about the people in the pictures. Individual or in pairs.
Vocabulary and pronunciation. New Headway Elementary p88
Use? When? How? Development stage – Integration Individual Correction: Reading! Tongue twisters -->in turns.
Everyday English Directions New Headway Pre-Intermediate p53
Use? When? How? Development stage – Integration Roleplay
Daily activities New Snapshot Starter p66
Use? When? How? Initial stage Development stage – Integration Transparency, Teacher asks the pupils questions about their daily acitvities. Pupils write about their day individually. In pairs: Pupils ask each other questions.
Food Snapshot Elementary p26
Use? When? How? Initial stage Development stage – Presentation - Integration Transparency Individual – competition?! In pairs
Time Transit Elementary p 43
Use? When? How? Initial stage Development stage – Integration Transparency In pairs
Postcards from London New Snapshot starter p62
Use? When? How? Development stage – Integration Evaluation Individual – in pairs Quiz?!
The UK quiz New Snapshot starter p34
Use? When? How? Initial stage Quiz
Megalopolis New headway Pre-Intermediate p74-75
Use? When? How? Development stage – Presentation - Integration Individual Corner work Groupwork
General knowledge quiz New Headway Elementary p98-99 Use? When? How? Initial stage Link with grammar: questions Quiz
Murder most horrid Transit Pre-Intermediate p84-85 Use? When? How? Initial stage Development stage – Presentation - Integration Video : Fragment Blackadder In pairs reading / puzzle Groupwork, roleplay, make a little play
Inventors New headway Elementary p62
Use? When? How? Development stage – Presentation - Integration Individual, in pairs Combination In group – presentation to the class
Me, myself and I, Zodiac signs Transit, Pre-Intermediate P10,11,12
Use? When? How? Initial stage Development stage – Presentation - Integration Discussion in class In pairs
Use? A game for global revision language. Inside out Pre-Intermediate p When? How? Evaluation Game – in small groups
Human rights Transit Pre-Intermediate P44,…
Use? When? How? Development stage – Presentation - Integration In pairs, Discussion in class
Amazing stories Transit Elementary P
Use? When? How? Initial stage Development stage – Presentation - Integration Transparency Memory exercise 3 Individual, in pairs