Today’s Topics Data Commons’ approach Data Commons’ Services Use of MedBiquitious Professional Profile standard
Six organizations partnered…
To create a robust data sharing system…
By matching Identifiers from multiple organizations Data in Original State AAMC ECFMG NBME Other ID Match Data Commons’ Data Hub Jane Smith AAMC #4 NBME #10 Med School #25 ECFMG #90 Using MedBiquitious Professional Profile standard
To create aggregated data sets: identified or de-identified Data in Original State AAMC ECMFG Med Schl Other ID Match Data Commons’ Data Hub Aggregated Data Set Temporarily Created in Data Commons & Sent to Requestor
Send data to “apps”
Current & Planned Services Verification Verification+ Research Staff exploring for possible future development: Outcome Tracking Direct Credential Verification
Verification Need: Company want to offer a service to a medical professional and need to make sure that s/he is a medical professional, but do not want to check with every hospital, state, medical school, etc. Solution: Company sends information to Data Commons, LLC, who verifies it. Example: Check to see someone has a valid medical license; is enrolled in medical school. Timeline: Launching in Su Marketing underway now.
Participation By Data Holders: If your data can be used to “prove” something, e.g. with a “yes / no” answer Medical student status Resident status API complete. Service ready Summer By Software / Data Consumers / Companies: Connect to our web service.
Verification+ Need: Hospital need verified information / documents proving that someone has the status that is claimed. Solution: Software program hospital uses requests that Data Commons receive official documents, and send them on. Examples: Board certification and license status Timeline: Summer 2014
Participation By Data Holders: If your data can be used in credential verification, or pre-population of fields physicians need filled out, e.g. Physician employment Physician credentialing / privileging Data need to be identified – e.g. about a specific person. Business analysis to begin late winter. Service should be ready in the Summer. By Software / Data Consumers / Companies: CVOs (credential verification organizations) are welcome to participate.
Research Need: Researcher wants to create a robust data set to do research – a data set that includes many organizations’ data, linked together by individual. Solution: Data Commons can search across many organizations’ data at once, create a data set linked together by matched identifiers, and then return a de-identified data set. Example: How many students who have an MCAT score of “x”, a USMLE Step 3 score of “y”, now have ABFM certification and work in a rural area? Timeline: Public demonstration projects underway; service launch after that date. Likely no earlier than Fall 2014.
Participation By Data Holders: If you are willing to share de-identified data, to be combined with other data, about specific individuals. Process to approve research has been drafted. We are not likely to publicly launch the service until Fall 2014 at the very earliest. By Researchers: We are looking for beta users who are interested in working with us to test and develop the service.
Data Commons and the HPP MedBiquitous Healthcare Professional Profile (HPP) HPP v.1.81 (with extension schemas) serves as the core result payload structure Assessments Student data Simplified results Worked with MedBiquitous to add common source and id attributes to all elements source attribute allows Data Commons to identify data contributor for XML subtrees
Data Commons Payload
Use of the HPP source Attribute
Contact: Dana Bostrom