Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 1 Section 3.1 Role of a Citizen Section 3.2 Do Your Part.


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Presentation transcript:

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 1 Section 3.1 Role of a Citizen Section 3.2 Do Your Part Chapter 3 Chapter Responsible Citizenship 3

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 2 There are many opportunities for you to make a difference. You can do this by showing responsibility and building leadership skills. Section 3.1 Role of a Citizen

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary citizen citizenship accountability leadership collaboration capacity chair

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 4 Make a Difference A citizen is a member of a community. Citizenship is the way you handle your responsibilities as a citizen. citizen A member of a community citizenship The way that you handle your responsibilities as a citizen.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 5 Make a Difference Citizens work to make a difference. Making a difference can mean volunteering, working with others, or organizing. What can you do to make a difference in your community?

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 6 Show Responsibility You need to be responsible by doing your share and supporting others. You can show responsibility personally, at home, at work, at school, and in the community. At home, you can show responsibility by doing chores, caring for other family members, and listening to others.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 7 Show Responsibility In school, be on time to class, do your homework, make school a safe place to be, and support your school’s events. On the job, be on time, follow directions, work efficiently, follow the rules, and respect your coworkers.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 8 Become a Leader Leadership is the direction and motivation that helps a team or group achieve its goals. Leaders influence and inspire others through example and direction. leadership The ability to direct and motivate a team or group to achieve its goals.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 9 Become a Leader Leadership roles can be found in organizations, teams, and groups. How can having a capable leader help an organization attract and keep members?

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 10 Become a Leader Benefits of leadership include gaining experience in communicating, learning to resolve conflicts, developing confidence, and learning skills. Collaboration is the combined efforts of all in a group. collaboration The cooperative efforts of everyone in a group.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 11 Participating in organizations and volunteer activities are effective ways to make a difference in your community. Citizenship comes with both rights and responsibilities. Section 3.2 Do Your Part

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 12 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary outreach program volunteer service learning restrict cultivate

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 13 Participate in Organizations Becoming involved in an organization is a way to make a difference. Organizations combine the talents, skills, energy, and resources of their members to achieve their goals.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 14 Participate in Organizations Organizations can be school related or community outreach programs, which offer assistance to the community. outreach programs A program that offers assistance or services to the community, usually as an act of charity or goodwill.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 15 Participate in Organizations Active involvement means attending meetings regularly, participating, following through, and developing leadership skills. Opportunities for leadership in organizations include working on committees, as an officer, coordinating projects, and managing people.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 16 Volunteering in Your Community A volunteer is someone who puts caring into action by offering services free of charge. volunteer Someone who offers services free of charge to help others.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 17 Volunteering in Your Community Volunteers offer talent, skill, and time to improve the lives of others. Volunteering helps you learn job skills, develop a network of people who share your interests, learning about different people, and brings feelings of self-worth and fulfillment.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 18 Volunteering in Your Community Service learning is taking what you learn in school and using it to meet a community need. service learning Taking classroom learning and using it to meet a community need.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 19 Citizens’ Rights and Responsibilities Citizenship brings with it both rights and responsibilities. Rights include receiving an education, police protection, right to practice any religion, and the right to express feelings publicly.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 20 Citizens’ Rights and Responsibilities Responsibilities include respecting others’ rights, obeying laws, preventing and reporting crime, paying taxes, participating in government, and serving in the military, if asked. What other actions can you take to show support for your community?

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 21 Chapter Summary Section 3.1 There are many opportunities for you to make a difference in the lives of others by being responsible, doing your share, and using your skills, time, and talent to help others. The Role of a Citizen

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 22 Chapter Summary Section 3.1 Show responsibility by being reliable and accountable at home, at school, and at work. Many responsible citizens take on leadership roles. These will help you develop your confidence and leadership skills. The Role of a Citizen

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 23 Chapter Summary Section 3.2 Participating in organizations is a good way to help make a difference. There are many different types of organizations. Volunteering is a great way to improve the lives of others while building your own skills. Get Involved

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 24 Chapter Summary Section 3.2 All citizens have certain rights and responsibilities. Taking an active role and being a responsible citizen can make your community a better place to live. Get Involved

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 25 Review Start Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions.

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 26 citizen ciudadano A member of a community. Un miembro de una comunidad. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 27 citizenship ciudadanía The way that you handle your responsibilities as a citizen. La forma en que manejas tus responsabilidades de ciudadano. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 28 accountability valor A person who acts as a teacher and guide. Persona que desempeña el papel de maestro o guía. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 29 leadership liderazgo The ability to direct and motivate a team or group to achieve its goals. La habilidad de dirigir y motivar un equipo o grupo a alcanzar sus objetivos o metas. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 30 collaboration colaboración The cooperative efforts of everyone in a group. Esfuerzos de cooperación de todas las personas de un grupo. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 31 outreach program programa de asistencia social A program that offers assistance or services to the community, usually as an act of charity or goodwill. Programa que ofrece asistencia o servicios a la comunidad, normalmente como un acto de caridad o buena voluntad. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 32 volunteer voluntario Someone who offers services free of charge to help others. Alguien que ofrece sus servicios para ayudar a otros gratis. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 33 service learning servicio a la comunidad para estudiantes Taking classroom learning and using it to meet a community need. El buen juicio y la sensibilidad necesarios para evitar avergonzar a otros y para mantener privada la información personal. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 34 capacity capacidad Maximum amount possible or potential. Máxima cantidad posible o potencial. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 35 chair presidencia An office or position of authority. Oficina o posición de autoridad Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 36 restrict restringir Limit. Limitar. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 37 cultivate cultivar Encourage. Animar o incitar. Show Definition

Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship Chapter 3 Responsible Citizenship 38 End of Chapter 1 The Amazing World of Food End Of Chapter 3