Evaluation Guidelines for New UCTC Programs
UCTC Fund Technical Committee will evaluate the proposals and budget requests for new UCTC projects based on the blue ocean principles of high impact, low cost & rapid execution 1. High Impact (substantially high benefits to the rakyat) 2. Low Cost (Signicantly lower cost than a traditional approach) 3. Rapid Execution (Impact to be realised within 3-6 months) 4. Sustainability of Change (Replicable and change in culture) Evaluation Criteria of UCTC Proposals
Stage 1 Questions : Basic idea evaluation In stage 1, IPT need to explain overview of the proposed idea. A “No” answer to any one of the question 2-4 will automatically disqualifies a project proposal Please answer the following questions: 1.Describe the proposal project, including the need, the idea and the expected benefits? 2.Does the project need cross-ministerial collaboration? Yes/No If yes, please give details of stakeholders involved and their roles 3. Will this project deliver substantially higher impact at significantly lower costs* as compared to a conventional initiative? Yes/No If Yes, please provide details 4. Will the benefits reach the rakyat in the next 6 month (max.)? Yes/No