THE CONSTITUTION The Constitution is the Basic Law of the State. It is the highest set of rules a country can have. It includes not only rules and responsibilities of citizens but also your rights as such.
The constitution sets limits and defines the relationship between the legislative, executive and judicial state. It sets the foundations for the government. It also guarantees the people certain rights. 1980’s Chilean Constitution establishes Chile as a Republic.
WHAT IS A REPUBLIC? It is a government that separates the powers of the State: Executive branch (president and ministers) Legislative branch (congress) Judicial branch (supreme court)
WHO CREATED THE CONSTITUTION? After the military strike in 1973 the previous constitution of 1925 was suspended. The country needed a constitution that could start over again. The new government designated a “Comisión de Estudios de la Nueva Constitución” where former president Jorge Alessandri, Enrique Ortúzar and the Junta Militar elaborated the Constitution that was revised before being aproved by the country in a voting in September 11th 1980.
The Chilean Constitution is composed by 15 chapters. Among these chapters we have: Government: it establishes the president as head of the country and the government. It establishes the way the president can be elected, the requirements to run for president. Congress: It establishes a congress cpmposed by senators and a deputy chamber. It establishes the way senators and deputies are elected and the requirements to become such. Judicial power: It is composed by the subordinated courts along the country.