Yes/No Questions Yes/no questions require the inversion of subject and auxiliary verb. Ex:He is taking the quiz.Is he taking the quiz? AmIright? Ishehere? Isshea nurse? Isitsecond-hand? Arewewrong? AreyouAlan? AretheyAmerican?
If there is no auxiliary verb, He gives exercises on Friday. I forgot something a form of the verb "to do" is used as the auxiliary. Pattern: Do / Does / Did + subject + verb + other words? Do Use do for yes/no questions in simple present tense if the subject is (or means) I, you, we, or they: I need this. ---> Do I need this? You understand me. ---> Do you understand me? We have a test tomorrow. ---> Do we have a test tomorrow? They like sashimi. ---> Do they like sashimi?
Does Use does for yes/no questions in simple present tense if the subject is (or means) he, she, or it: He loves her. ---> Does he love her? She misses him. ---> Does she miss him? His computer works. ---> Does his computer work? Did Use did for yes/no questions in simple past tense for all subjects--I, you, he, she, it, we, they: You lost something. ---> Did you lose something? He left. ---> Did he leave? She quit her job. ---> Did she quit her job? Her computer crashed. ---> Did her computer crash? They had a good time. ---> Did they have a good time?
POINTS TO REMEMBER The common verbs do and have can be both main verbs and auxiliary verbs: Raju did a good job. (main verb) Did Raju do a good job? (auxiliary verb, main verb) Raju didn't do a good job. (auxiliary verb, main verb) Alice has two brothers. (main verb) Alice doesn't have any brothers. (auxiliary verb: does(n't); main verb: have.) Does Alice have two brothers? (auxiliary verb: does; main verb: have.) We have had enough. (auxiliary verb: have; main verb: have (past participle) They had had breakfast before we saw them. (auxiliary verb: had; main verb: have (past participle)
When does is the auxiliary verb, there is no -s ( -es, -ies ) on the main verb: RIGHTWRONG Does she want something?Does she wants something? Does he have a new car?Does he has a new car? When did is the auxiliary verb, the main verb is in simple PRESENT form, not past: RIGHTWRONG Did she want something?Did she wanted something? Did they have a good time?Did they had a good time?
auxiliary verbsubjectmain verb Answer Yes or No Doyouwantdinner?Yes, I do. Canyoudrive? No, I can't. HassheFinishedher work? Yes, she has. Didtheygohome? No, they didn't. Exception! verb be simple present and simple past IsAnneFrench?Yes, she is. WasRamat home? No, he wasn't.