Module 2 Learning More about the Summary of Functional Performance Every day, we are honored to take action that inspires the world to discover, love and nurture the greatness in all children. Module 2
Overview of modules Module 1: Setting the Stage: Global Child Outcomes and the SFP Module 2: Learning More About the SFP and COS Rating Module 3: Essential Knowledge for Completing the SFP and COS Rating Module 4: Guidance for Completing the SFP and COS Rating Within the Team Process Module 5: Understanding Age-expected Child Development, Developmental Trajectories, and Progress Module 6: Using COS Data to Inform Program Improvement at all Levels Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
The Summary of Functional Performance
Why the Summary of Functional Performance? Within IFSP- it leads to a better understanding of child’s functional abilities Overall- it supports ESIT’s Mission, Key Principles, and Outcomes (Guiding Concepts) Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Summary of Functional Performance= Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process The SFP provides needed data on child outcomes for accountability and program improvement No assessment instrument directly assesses the three outcomes required for federal reporting Different programs are using different assessment instruments, and outcome data needs to be aggregated across programs Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
The Summary of Functional Performance Is not an assessment tool Incorporates functional information across settings from multiple sources Focuses on a global sense of how the child is doing at one point in time Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
The Summary of Functional Performance
Features of the Summary of Functional Performance Tied to a 7-point rating scale for each global outcomes Rating is based in the child’s functioning: What the child does across settings and with different people Compared with what is expected given the child’s chronological age Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Thinking about children’s functioning Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Key Points Assumption: Children can be described with regard to how close they are to age-expected functioning By definition, most children in the general population demonstrate the outcome in an age-expected way Over time, some children will move farther away from age-expected functioning (skills at older ages are more demanding) By providing services and supports, programs are trying to move children closer to age-expected functioning Some children will never achieve this Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Why do we compare age-expected functioning? Part of federal requirement Stronger evidence of program’s effects Set high expectations (and many do attain them), but also celebrate different kinds of progress Want to promote active and successful participation now and in the future (including school readiness) Families want to know about both their child’s individual progress and progress relative to age-expected (avoid being surprised later) Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Steps in the process 1.Collect information about the child’s functioning across settings and situations in the 3 outcomes. 2.If needed, assemble resources on age expectations. 3.Meet as a team to review the information (often at IFSP). 4.Write summary of functional performance reflecting how child uses skills relative to age-expectations. Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Steps in the process 5.Consider decision tree and agree on a descriptor statement (rating) for Outcome 1. 6.If this is not the first rating, complete the yes/no question about any individual progress and describe. 7.Repeat for Outcomes 2 and 3 8.Complete information about assessment team members, their roles, and how the family was involved. Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
When to complete ratings ESIT requires selection of descriptor statements (rating) at entry and exit Optional at intervening times, such as at the annual IFSP review. Benefits of interim use: Consistency in team actions- familiar each time to caregivers/team Promotes good discussions about child’s functioning with caregivers Will have a more recent rating if family exits suddenly Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Completing the 2nd, 3rd, etc., rating in each outcome area Kids' Potential, Our Purpose Do NOT look at the previous rating. Each rating independent and is to be based on where the child functioning is now. Looking at the previous rating can introduce bias into the rating process. Complete the progress question.
The “progress” question Kids' Potential, Our Purpose b. Has the child shown any new skills or behaviors related to [this outcome] since the last outcomes summary? This question is answered “yes” if the child has acquired ANY new skill or shown any improvement related to this outcome since the last summary of functional performance, e.g., Using one new word Using one new gesture
Essential knowledge for SFP Among them, team members must: 1.Know about the child’s functioning across settings and situations 2.Understand age-expected child development 3.Understand age expectations for child functioning within the child’s culture 4.Understand the content of the three child outcomes 5.Know how to use the rating scale Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Core Team FRC Child’s family Early Intervention specialist Other therapists or related service providers Other caregivers (child care, extended family, etc.) Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Important Point It is not necessary that all team members be knowledgeable in all 5 areas Especially, there is no expectation that families understand the rating scale of typical child development But the professionals have to! Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Parent participation in the process Remember parents are your best source of information about the child’s functioning across situations throughout the day Be prepared to explain to parents why child outcomes data are being collected There is no reason to mention the numbers on the scale during the discussion Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Involving families in a conversation about their child’s functioning Avoid jargon Ask questions that allow parents to tell you what they have seen “Tell me how Anthony eats” Avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or no “Does Anthony finger feed himself?” “Is that what you see at home?” Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Knowledge Check 1. The team selects a descriptor statement on the Summary of Functional Performance: a. At entry only b. At exit only c. At both entry and exit Kids' Potential, Our Purpose 2. True or false- If I have a completed developmental assessment for a child, I can complete the Summary of Functional Performance for a child. a. True b. False
Answers Question 1: The team selects a descriptor statement on the Summary of Functional Performance: c. “At both entry and exit” Kids' Potential, Our Purpose Question 2: True or false- If I have a completed developmental assessment for a child, I can complete the Summary of Functional Performance for a child. b. False
Knowledge Check 3. The core team that competes the SFP should be made up of: a. The Family Resources Coordinator b. The child’s family c. Early Intervention providers and therapists d. Other caregivers (i.e. child care providers, grandparents) e. All of the above Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Answer Question 3: The core team that completes the SFP should be made up of: e. All of the above Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Reflection How would you explain why we compare a child’s functioning to age-expected development? How would you explain to a new co-worker why it’s important to have the parent on the team? Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Resources ESIT IFSP Resource Guide Role of Families in the Ratings Discussion A Family Guide to Participating in the Child Outcomes Measurement Process ESIT Family Outcomes Brochure Kids' Potential, Our Purpose
Coming Next Kids' Potential, Our Purpose Module 1: Setting the Stage: Global Child Outcomes and the SFP Module 2: Learning More about the SFP and COS Rating Module 3: Essential Knowledge for Completing the SFP and COS Rating Module 4: Guidance for Completing the SFP and COS Rating Within the Team Process Module 5: Understanding the Age-Expected Child Development, Developmental Trajectories and Progress Module 6: Using COS Data to Inform Program Improvement at All Levels