CAT material is considered in new business of the World Service Conference Conference Approval Track Material
2014–2016 Strategic Plan and Proposed Project Plans 2014–2016 Proposed Budget and Cover Proposed Revisions to the 2012–2014 A Guide to World Services In NA (GWSNA) WSC Seating Requests and Cover Memo CAT Contents
FOUR PROPOSED PROJECT PLANS Fellowship Issue Discussions Service System Traditions Book Project Public Relations Strategic Plan and Proposed Project Plans
Fellowship Issue Discussions Engage the fellowship in local discussions about issues of worldwide importance Inspire action around current issues Help members apply NA principles in local service efforts
Fellowship Issue Discussions Improve communication within the fellowship between members, groups, service bodies, and NAWS Work on consensus-building models or methods Recommend carrying over Third Tradition topic, and will present other topics at WSC
Service System To be offered pending results of Motions 4-6 Referred to as a “transition plan,” but it’s not a plan to instruct communities on how to move forward Outlines work World Services can do over the next two years to support communities in the process of or thinking about transitioning
Service System In cycle, we plan to: Develop more tools & resources to help with planning, training, group support, etc. Collect ideas from communities adopting and adapting the SSP Share best practices Create opportunities for communities to share their experiences
Traditions Book 2008: Strong support in lit survey 2010: Motion to create project plan : Project plan spanning two cycles Gain clarity and consensus on format and then begin drafting and review Began gathering input and experience
Traditions Book : Form workgroup to Draft book Conduct review and input Prepare approval draft for inclusion in 2016 CAR Tradition a Month Challenge: Visit to participate
Public Relations Attend professional events Participate in cooperative events with local NA communities Conduct focused trainings or roundtables to share and gather information with medical professionals who serve addicts seeking recovery
THE BUDGET OUTLINES: Projected Income and Expenses Fiscal Years 1 July June Proposed Budget
Budget Format Operating income Gross sales minus cost of goods Four expense areas Literature production and distribution WSC support Fellowship development Events
Budget Format: Expense Classifications Fixed operational funds Recurring “essential services” Variable operational funds Variable expenses – e.g. projects Reserve funds Set aside for future and/or current needs
GWSNA could use a more holistic review, but the conference has important decisions to make about its future that will significantly affect it. In the cycle ahead, we would like to draft a glossary. Proposed Revisions to A Guide to World Services in NA
Proposed GWSNA Revisions Policies affected by Motions 2 and 3 Decisions related to proposals experiment Text left out of GWSNA Edits regarding outdated policies HRP requested change
We need to come to a collective understanding about the future of the WSC and develop seating criteria based on that understanding. WSC Seating
Recent WSC Seating Decisions 2008: Approved moratorium on consideration of regions resulting from a regional split for two conference cycles [passed by voice vote] 2010: Failed amendment to moratorium that called for no regions being considered for seating at WSC 2012 [standing vote: 80/40/1/0 (yes/no/abstain/present)]
Recent WSC Seating Decisions 2012: Two questions considered Do you support the WB recommendation to not consider any regions of seating at WSC 2014? [Straw Poll Results: 41 in favor, 55 opposed] Continue the spirit of the existing moratorium for one cycle. (Do not consider regions resulting from a split.) [Straw poll results: 73 in favor, 20 opposed]
WSC Seating: Moving Forward Ongoing WB & conference discussions Two motions offered in the CAR that could affect the conference WSC 2014 sessions regarding WSC purpose, WSC seating, and the role of zones
WSC Seating Requests and Inquiries Seven requests received Five from regions resulting from splits Occidente Region in Mexico HOW, Rio de Janeiro, Grande Sao Paulo, and Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
WSC Seating Requests and Inquiries Two requests received by 1 April deadline from regions that did not result from a split Dominican Republic Turkey
WSC Seating Requests and Inquiries Recommendation is to not seat any new regions at this time, but to offer a commitment of support from NAWS until WSC seating is resolved This recommendation is a call to action
This is not part of the CAT, but affects CAR material. We will recommend: An Introduction to NA Meetings IP Edits
An Introduction to NA Meetings IP corrections Correct a typographical error We encourage you to read NA literature including the Basic text and the booklet In Times of Illness, which will explain… [CAR, p. 48, first paragraph after bullet points]
An Introduction to NA Meetings IP corrections Remove potentially confusing reference to our primary purpose People have all sorts of reasons for attending NA meetings, but the purpose of each meeting — our “primary purpose” — is to give NA members a place to share recovery with other addicts. [CAR, p. 47, second paragraph]
All materials are available at 15 February Regional and zonal reports due 15 February Regional and zonal reports will be included in the Conference Report WSC Preparation
Additional Resources &Feedback And we always welcome your questions and input:
2014 Conference Approval Track Material Discussion and Q & A