Whose is it anyway? Plagiarism
When you take someone else's work and pretend that it’s your own. It’s wrong and it’s against our school rules.
Is it ever OK to use someone’s work? Yes but you must do two things… 1.Use quotation marks around the words. 2.Tell who wrote the words and where you found them.
Mark Mark had baseball practice last night and didn’t have time to do his homework. Paul offers to let him copy his and sends it to Mark in an . Is that okay? YesNo
Bobby Bobby has to write a paragraph about American Presidents for social studies. He finds a paragraph on a website that is just right. Bobby copies it in his own handwriting. Is that okay? YesNo
Morgan Morgan copies text from a webpage into her word processor and adds her own first and last sentence. Is that okay? YesNo
Rachel Rachel searches the web. She finds a great drawing on a site. She prints it for the cover of her science report. Is that okay? YesNo
Oops try again!
Correct How can Mark fix this? 1.Tell his teacher that he made a mistake and needs more time to do his work properly. 2.He could get up extra early to try to complete the work before school.
Oops Try Again!
Right on Target How can Bobby fix this? Write his paragraph in his own words using the information he found on the web.
Better luck next time!
Right on! How can Morgan fix this? 1.She should try to use her own words or paraphrase what she has learned. 2.She can use quotation marks and tell where she got the information and who wrote it.
So Sorry
You Rock! How can Rachel fix this? 1.She needs to tell where she got the picture.