ELAC – English Learners Advisory Committee
Why are we here?
Formation Each school with 21 or more English learners (also known as EL students), regardless of language, must form a functioning English learner advisory committee (ELAC) or subcommittee of an existing advisory committee.
Composition Requirements The percentage of parents of English learners is to be at least the same as that of English Learners (EL) at the school.
Major Function The purpose of the ELAC is to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English learners.
4 Tasks of the ELAC Development of a detailed master plan for English learner education for the individual school and submits the plan to the district governing board for its possible consideration and inclusion in the district's English learner education master plan Development of the school's needs assessment. Administration of the School’s Annual Language Census (R-30 Report). Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance
Elections Parents or guardians of English learners elect parent members of the school committee or subcommittee. All parents shall be provided the opportunity to vote for committee members. Each school committee shall have the opportunity to elect at least one parent member to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).
Obligations Attend the ELAC meetings Be a vehicle between school and parents of EL students.
Training The District must provide for all member of the ELAC: Appropriate training and materials to assist each member to carry out his or her required legal responsibilities. Training which is planned in full consultation with ELAC members. EIA-LEP or district funds may be used to cover the costs of training and attendance of ELAC members (e.g., costs associated with child-care, translation services, meals, and other reasonable expenses.)
REVIEW The ELAC has 6 official tasks YesNo One of the official tasks is to assist the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Los miembros del ELAC tienen que ser elegidos por los padres de los que están aprendendiendo el inglés YesNo
REVIEW The ELAC must find out what are the needs of the school YesNo The ELAC has the right to review educational programs for EL students. The ELAC should know how many other languages EL students speak at this school YesNo
REVIEW The R-30 Report is a income census YesNo Every parent of an EL student is a member of ELAC. One of the official tasks of the ELAC, is reminding parents of the importance of regular school attendance YesNo
REVIEW THe ELAC should advise the school about the dress code for the principal of the school YesNo The ELAC consists of 50 or more parents of EL Students The majority of the ELAC member should be school personnel. YesNo