By Laser Romios
Definition Present Continuous tense Dipakai untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di saat kita berbicara. Biasanya ditandai dengan keternagan waktu: Now Right now At present
Formula + (+) S (she/he/it) + is + Verb 1 + ing + now E.g. Rina is studying English now. Dika is eating bananas now. My cat is catching a mouse now. (+) S(they/we/you) + are + verb1 + ing + now E.g. We are speaking English now. Rina and Riko are playing basketball now. (+) S(I) + am + Verb1 + ing + now E.g. I am writing a novel now.
Formula - (-) S (she/he/it) + is + not + verb1 + ing +now E.g. Benny is not walking to school now. This panda is not drinking water. (-) S (they/we/you) + are + not + verb1 + ing + now E.g. My friends are not working now. You are cleaning the floor now. (-) S (I) + am + not + verb1 + ing + now E.g. I am not going out now. I am not dating now.
Formula ? (?) Is + S (she/he/it) + Verb1 + ing + now E.g. Is she cooking in the kitchen now? Is Tony driving a car now? (?) Are + S (they/we/you) + verb1 + ing + now E.g. Are you calling me now? Are tina and Tony sweeping the floor now? (?) Am + S (I) + verb1 + ing + now? E.g. Am I teaching you English now? Am I borrowing your books?