Participation in re-allotment Marije Louwsma
2 Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency Cables and pipelines and re-allotment
3 Introduction Land consolidation is a planned readjustment and rearrangement of land parcels and their ownership. Specific law: –Land Consolidation Act (till 2007) –Rural areas development Act (from 2007) Two instruments: –Land consolidation (formal process) –Re-allotment (voluntary)
4 Principles of re-allotment Voluntary participation Exchange of parcels between landowners: –Private landowners –Public landowners Spatial aims: –Agriculture Clustering of parcels Enlarging the parcel with farm buildings Reduction of distance to parcels Improve shape of parcels –Water management –Implement environmental policies
5 Result of re-allotment: an example
6 Why cadastre is involved To guarantee legal certainty Experience with handling geo-information in complex processes Tailored software to support re-allotment process Thourough knowledge about land consolidation and re-allotment
7 Trends in spatial planning and land consolidation Decentralisation of tasks –from national to regional level Budget cuts –especially on nature restoration Role government shifts from initiating towards facilitating: –Shift from top-down to bottom up processes –Tendency to give stakeholders more responsibility Availability of e-governance applications with geo- information
8 Economic benefits agriculture (dairy farm) Size of farm
9 Trends require change re-allotment process Need for: Active participation of stakeholders Quick process Clear results within limited period of time Insight in economic benefits for agricultural sector
10 Current process 1.Co-ordinator speaks individually with landowners to investigate the willingness to participate 2.Repeated individual meetings to talk through possibilities for land exchange 3.Development of land exchange proposals 4.Rounding off proposals & financial consequences 5.Agreement of participants 6.Deed by notary
11 New participative process 1.Individual intake land owner 2.Public meeting to inform land owners 3.Interactive group sessions with land owners to design new allotment (multiple parallel sessions) 4.Second interactive group session: Final proposals & financial consequences Discuss necessity of permits 5.Agreement of participants 6.Deed by notary
12 GIS supports new process New application developed in GIS Starting points for development: –expert user –immaculate administration of re-allotment needed –delivers products for land owners (maps, administrative overview) –delivers administration needed for deed Characteristics: –developed ‘on the job’ –adequate functionality –user friendly –workspace per project phase
13 Preparation of interactive sessions Prepare geo-data Select participants in project area Divide participants in smaller groups for parallel sessions
14 Interactive group session Land owners are asked the following: Indicate if parcel available for re-allotment (yes / no) Let know your wishes regarding new allotment Discuss possibilities for exchange wished by 3 persons wished by 2 persons wished by 1 person
15 Each land owner receives a map
16 Data management system
17 Administrative overview per land owner Personal information land owner Difference in hectares between old and new allotment Amount to pay / get
18 Conclusions Development of application ‘on the job’ worked very nicely Application adequately facilitates participative process with multiple parallel sessions First results are promising: –Participants are satisfied with participation –Achieved improvement is equal to regular process –Within short time results available
19 Questions?