BOOLEAN OPERATORS Do you know the answer? See if you can fill in the answer on the worksheet before you check the answer. Make a note of how many you answered on your own before looking at the answer.
Locating specific information on the Web has become more difficult because the ____ ___ ______. Number has increased
Search engines allow you to look for information based on ___ ____. Key Words
Every time someone goes to a Web page, it counts as a ______. Hit
A Query is like a ______. It is a method of _______ data. Question, filtering
Search Engines use ________ ________. Boolean Logic
Boolean logic was invented by a man named _____ _____ who was a nineteenth century mathematician. George Boole
Boolean operators are based on a simple ____ or ____ ranking system. Yes, No
The primary operators are ____, _____ and _____. And, not, or
The AND operator instructs the Search Engine to search for ____ documents containing _____ words you specify. All, both
Sometimes it’s easier to narrow a search by specifying what you are ____ looking for. Not
Some search engines use the ___ symbol as the operator, which works the same way as the ____ operator. +, and
Search is a process of _____ and _____. Trial, error
It’s better to spend a little ____ narrowing down your search than to follow every hit you get. time
Most search engines do not require key operators in all _______. Caps
Is it possible for search engines such as “HotBot” to have Boolean Operators already set up in the browser? Yes
How many could you answer before looking at the answer? You get points for trying on this assignment so everyone wins.