Has technology made you a “yes-man”? Jennifer L. Meyer May 2006
Why this topic?
What I wanted to find out Do people have work-life balance? Does technology play a role in enhancing or hindering a person’s work-life balance? How do people feel about the technology they have available to them?
Research question Is it possible for business professionals to maintain a work-life balance with the recent enhancements to communication technology?
Operational definitions Communication technology Equipment that can assist a person in doing their job and communicating outside of the office Enhancements Hand held devices and wireless services Work-life balance The ability to separate work-life from home life.
Methodology Survey ed to 247 friends and colleagues Required to have a full-time job 33 questions 27 Close ended 6 Open ended 148 surveys returned 60% response rate
Demographic Responses 75% work over 40 hours a week Years working 45% 0-10 years 29% years 21% years 5% +30 years
Do you use handheld devices for work? Yes No Cell phone 95% 5% BlackBerry or PDA 56% 41% Cell phone billed to company 32% 68%
Do you work on the weekends?
Do you feel you have an adequate work-life balance? Yes - I have yet to let the constant accessibility make an impact on my work/life balance. I work hard to maintain a balance. I protect weekends as much as possible but will work long hours during the week.
Technology has negatively affected my work-life balance
Technology has positively affected my work-life balance
Do you feel technology hinders a person's ability to have work-life balance? “Not at all. Technology is an enabler, allowing people the opportunity to achieve the best of both worlds.” “I don't think it is the technology -- although the technology is an enabler. Work-life balance has less to do with technology and more to do with responsibilities and work load.”
Summary Captured individuals’ attitudes about how much they work Determined if the amount of work and the time spent at work increased with the addition of new technologies Discovered what effects, if any, technology had on work-life balance
Is it possible for business professionals to maintain a work-life balance with the recent enhancements to communication technology? YES
Conclusions Do people have work-life balance? Yes, however it is the employee’s responsibility to keep their work-life balance in-check Does technology play a role in enhancing or hindering a person’s work-life balance? Yes, enhancements in technology allow for a better work-life balance How do people feel about the technology they have available to them? People feel technology can be used to their benefit
Thank you!