STEM Fair Projects Young Scientists Search the Unknown…
Oh No! What do I Do? What is a Science Project? What do I do first? How do I choose a topic? What is an experiment? What do I do with all the information?
Communication Tools Parent Resources: 2013 STEM Fair Brochure Parent’s Guide for Science Projects STEM Fair Parent PowerPoint
What is the importance of Science Projects? Allows for a variety of learning styles Real world application Hands-on approach to learning Encourages higher order thinking Allows students to investigate what they are interested in Students are responsible for their own learning Curriculum connections
The Planning Phase Most detailed part… includes: Journal….journal….journal deciding what to do doing some research forming a hypothesis writing the experiment plan KEY: Keep It Simple!
The Experimentation Phase Conducting the experiment. Collecting and recording the data. Analyzing the evidence.
Data Materials Research Paper Optional Data Logbook My Title Purpose Hypothesis Procedure: Variables Step-by-Step Directions Graph Conclusion Results
…In Search of a Topic
A good science investigation question: Cannot be answered with one word such as; yes, no or purple. Tells you what you need to measure. Is something you can investigate yourself. Is answered with a fact, not an opinion. How to identify a good question
Purpose Tells why the investigation is being done. It is written as a statement from the topic question. Example: The purpose of this project is to find out…
Hypothesis Research the topic and find out background information about your topic of investigation! After researching your topic, reveal your possible answer to the question being investigated. Don’t forget to state your reasons why your hypothesis results will occur.
Procedure (The Plan) Materials - What materials will you need for your experiment? - Be sure to list all materials, the type, and amount.
Variables Manipulated (Independent ) What is being changed in the experiment on purpose. (What you are testing) Responding (Dependent) The measurable result of what is being changed in the experiment. (What you are measuring) Held Constant All the things that are kept the same or controlled during the experiment.
Step by Step Directions (The recipe) Write them clearly so someone else can follow them. Be specific. Remember to indicate how many trials are necessary. Example “ Repeat steps 3-6 four more times with each item being tested for a total of five trials”.
Keep the data in a chart or a table. All the trials of the experiment must be indicated. (5 or more trials) Data collection should match grade specific math benchmarks. How many milliliters of liquid is absorbed? Data
Graphs It is an organized way to display the data collected during the experiment. There are two main types of graphs.
1. Bar Graphs- (most common type of graph) Displays data that does not occur in a continuous manner Ex. (Number of burgers eaten)
2. Line Graphs- Displays data that occurs in a continuous manner Ex. (Growth of a plant over a controlled period of time)
Conclusion The analysis of the data as it relates to the original hypothesis. It should include: - Whether or not your data supports your hypothesis. - A description of any problems. - What would you do differently next time? - Real world connections.
Showboard Advertise your project using a Showboard! Make it colorful Use a creative title. Make sure the components are placed so that there is a natural flow to the reader.
Requirements All projects must have a Data Log The log should be in the form of a notebook or tablet showing evidence of student work throughout investigation period. All entries in the log should have dates for each part of the project. Logs may be hand-written or typed. Logs should be reflective of the student’s thoughts, questioning, and reasoning.
Sample Data Log Entry 9/4/2012 My teacher said it is time for STEM fair. I don’t like it because it is a lot of work, but I get to work with a partner and I am really excited. I think it would be cool if I could come up with a topic. I kind of have 1 in mind. 9/5/2012 I shared my ideas with my teacher. She loved my idea about experimenting with worms. 9/6/2012 My teacher said I had to have a question that I want to try to answer about worms without harming the worms. I wonder if worms like the dark more than sunny places? I always see worms after it rains. I wonder if worms don’t like being wet? I wonder where I can get worms?
Extra! Extra! ‘Research’ All About It! A Research Paper may be included and placed in a separate Research Folder. Extra data, photos, and information may be included in the Research Folder.
…Science is Everywhere!
Original presentation Created By: Yvonne Rotolo 2009 Adapted for use by Elementary Science Department, Fall 2010 For More Information Contact: Shana Tirado Elementary Science Supervisor Barb Brightman Elementary Science DRT Michele Wiehagen Elementary Science DRT for Title I Schools Christina Calve Academic Coach Anita Ventura Academic Coach