Four Skills for Learning a Language Listening Speaking Reading Writing 1
Teaching Listening Learners listen with a purpose and listen to things that interest them The language should be real everyday language, including hesitations, rephrasing, and a variety of accents. Use activities that teach the students how to listen for content. 2
Types of Listening Tasks Following directions Students listen to a dialog on a CD Students provide information that was given on the CD The teacher asks questions about the information on the CD Students take notes about what they heard 3
Tips for Teaching Listening Listening selections should be short for beginners and progress in difficulty when students are ready. Use clear pronunciation Use limited vocabulary Use visual aids Tasks were students perform such as dialogs, and following directions 4
In Class Speaking Activities Teaching Speaking In Class Speaking Activities Use dialogues and conversations found in your textbooks. Have the students repeat a phrase or structure. Practice dialogues that have grammatical points, such as minimal pairs or repetition of a series sentences. Have students make short replies to teacher or learner questions or comments, such as a series of answers to yes/no questions. Use dialogues to teach students how to exchange and obtain information such interviews, role plays, or debates. Use dialogues to establish or maintain social relationships, such as personal interviews or everyday conversation role plays. Have the students make short speeches, oral reports, or oral summaries. 5
Types of Speaking Tasks Discussions Speeches Role Plays Conversations Oral Dialogue Journals Debates
Tips for Teaching Speaking Design activities that are authentic and motivating. Ignore less serious errors in student speaking. Emphasize key words, rephrase, check for listener comprehension. Use gestures or body language. Use drills and have the learner simply repeat a phrase or structure .
Tips for Teaching Reading Provide reading materials that are of interest to the age and interest level of the students. Focus on the meaning of the text. Label items in the room. Post announcements around the classroom. Provide materials that the students see everyday. Read aloud while the students follow you with the printed material that you have provided.
Types of Reading Activities Take students to the library to obtain library cards. Have students check out books with your help. Have students give a short oral presentation about the parts that they liked about the book. Have students read the advertisements in the newspaper. Have students read the want ads
Tips for Teaching Writing Brainstorming Listing Clustering Free writing
Types of Writing Activities Students write notes to each other Students write notes to the teacher Students write directions on how to perform an activity Students write a summary of a story that they read or heard Students make lists of what they need to do for a certain job Students keep a journal