STATE OF CONNECTICUT Department of Children and Families Medication Administration Certification Training Based on the Basic Medication Administration Curriculum 2010 Edition Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7 1
Medications for Medical Conditions Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7 2
3 Antibiotics May reduce the effectiveness of birth control medications 5 Follow specific instructions about administration with food 4 Do not give double dose to make up for a missed dose 3 Watch for allergies 1 Finish entire prescription 2TreatBacterialInfections Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
4 Anti-viral medications Treat viral infections 1.Reduces symptoms – will not cure viral infection 2.Must start at the earliest sign of viral infection Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
5 Scabicides Treat scabies infestation of the skin 1.Follow orders and directions exactly 2.May cause serious adverse effects if overused 3.Potentially toxic to the Central Nervous System 4.LP’s order required for administration 5.Contact the chain of command if child is re- infected Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
6 Pediculocides Treat lice infection 1.Follow orders and directions exactly 2.May cause serious adverse effects if overused 3.Potentially toxic to the Central Nervous System 4.LP’s order required for administration 5.Contact the chain of command if child is re-infected Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
7 Antifungal medication Treat fungal infection 1.Treatment may take a long time 2.Keep infected area clean and dry 3.Good hygiene prevents spread of infection 4.Report any side effects to chain of command Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
8 Analgesics Relieve pain 1.Frequent, unusual, or pain that interferes with child’s usual activity must be reported to the chain of command Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
9 Antipyretics Reduce fever 1.Monitor child’s temperature before and 1 hour after administering antipyretic 2.Fever is a change of condition that must be reported to the chain of command Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
10 Expectorants Promote coughing up mucous 1.Report any persistent cough to the child’s physician 2.Increased fluid intake will help to loosen secretions Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
11 Antitussives Suppress cough 1.May mask signs of infection such as pneumonia or bronchitis 2.May be ordered at night to quiet a cough that interrupts sleep 3.Narcotic antitussives should be used cautiously with clients who have a history of drug or alcohol abuse Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
12 Decongestants Reduce congestion in the sinuses and nasal passages 1.May cause excitability and insomnia 2.Avoid administering at bedtime Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
13 Antihistamine Reduce symptoms of allergic reactions 1.May cause drowsiness – use with caution 2.May cause decreased ability to urinate Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
14 Cardiovascular medications Affect the heart and circulatory system 1.BP and pulse must be checked routinely 2.Do not stop abruptly 3.Doses should not be missed 4.Unlabeled use: Anxiety and ADHD Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
15 Anticonvulsants Reduce or prevent seizures 1.Give consistently on time 2.May require periodic blood work 3.Unlabeled use: mood disorders Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
16 Laxatives Promote bowel movements; treat constipation 1.Increased fluids, fiber, and activity may reduce the need for laxative medication Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
17 Antacids Control or reduce acid in stomach 1.Check with pharmacist or licensed practitioner before administering at the same time as another medication: may interfere with absorption of other meds 2.Frequent complaints of heartburn or stomach upset should be evaluated by a physician Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
18 Birth control / contraceptives Prevent pregnancy 1.Must be administered as ordered for maximum effectiveness 2.Follow LP’s order re: missed doses 3.May be prescribed to regulate menstrual cycle Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7
19 Unit 7 Quiz (click on the link below and print) Medications to treat medical conditions Answers to: Medications to treat medical conditions Recertification Review Guide, Unit 7 Back to “Recert Review” home page Forward to Unit 8