The Challenge of the Church in History Pages 114 to 118
What is the task of the Church? To be an agent of God’s love Which is not always easy! Needs to respond to new challenges, cultural changes
3 periods of Christian history Jewish Christianity (A.D. 30 to 130) Greek / European (A.D. 50 – 1964) Global (1960 to present)
Jewish Christianity Jerusalem the starting First Christians were Jewish Apostles first preached to Jewish communities on their missionary journeys Jesus’ teachings practice (care for poor, sick…)
Conflicts Inequitable distribution of goods (Jewish followers favoured over Gentile converts, 1 Cor ff) Kosher food laws? (Acts. 10) Response to sinners? (Mt )
Greek / European Christianity (AD ) Rome dominated politically Greece dominated culturally
Jewish & Greek Christians encountered questions Theological / Ethical Circumcision? Mosaic Law? (food / Sabbath ) Christian soldiers in army? Spouse didn’t convert?
European dominance Beginning with Greece’s influence (Alexander the Great) Rome takes over in 1 st C Constantine converts 312 Christianity tolerated 313
Some “corrections” 313 Edict of Milan “tolerates” Christianity as a religion DID NOT make it the official religion! 325 Council of Nicaea 380 Theodosius Christianity Official religion of the Empire
Problems with power? Popes have “secular” power (wage wars, palaces, owned land…)
Encounters with Greek Philosophy 2-5 Centuries Christian thinkers (Origen, Athanasius, Tertullian, Augustine) use Plato’s phil. (neo-Platonism) to explain Gospel Language & images closer to Greek thinking than Jewish Pictures, statues, icons…
Evangelization of N. Europe (8-9 centuries) Irish & Celtic monks Fear of supernatural… New penitential practices Private confession Spiritual counselling
Encounters with Islam & rediscovery of Greek Philosophy 8 th – 13 th C Crusaders Arab thinking, writings of Aristotle St. Thomas Aquinas
Key ideas from Aquinas God the highest good People are made for happiness
Christianity divided 1054 A.D. Eastern Church & Western Church split Schism: ccc #2089 p. 117
16 th Century: Protestant Reformation Issues: sale of church offices, indulgences, Pope Lack of training for clergy Role of Scripture… Abuse of power Reformers: Martin Luther John Calvin Ulrich Zwingli
European Empire Europe colonized every continent European “way of life” Church missionaries evangelize
Age of Rationalism 17 th C. Reason knowledge A counter-movement to Church Authority needed to be justified by reason (not simply faith / Revelation)
Industrial / Technical Revolution 19 th C, Church begins to loosen ties with the ruling class Supports workers’ rights, esp. unionizing Greater responsibility for the poor
Global Christianity 1960 to date World Church / Global Church No longer dominated by one culture “catholic” = universal Global & local in solidarity Diversity welcomed Pluriform unity