KEYBOARD S2 Module 3:
Step 1: exercises to separate the fingers To play the keyboard, each of your fingers needs to be able to work independently of the others. This involves both the MIND and the MUSCLES. In KEYBOARD playing, we number the fingers from the THUMB, 1 – 5 in each hand. On your desk try to tap smoothly with each hand from to thumb to the pinkie and back and then repeat it Do each hand separately and then try them with the thumbs starting together. This is called CONTRARY MOTION.
Step 2: the same on the keyboard Find middle C and try the exercise again, hands separately and then together. Red is the LEFT Blue is the RIGHT hand. Notice that the BLACK notes are in TWOs and THREEs. C is the note to the LEFT of the TWO.
Step 3: 1 st tune preparation Right Hand only: you need THREE different pairings of fingers for this tune: First of all, find middle C again and then play 1 and 3 at the same time. The notes are written like this: Play them several times. We will Call this POSITION 1. Now do the same with fingers 2 and 4 (D and F). We will call this POSITION 2. Finally, do the same with fingers 3 and 5 (E and G). We will call this POSITION 3.
Step 3: 1 st tune preparation Exercises: to loosen up your fingers and get your brain in action, try these exercises over and over again. First of all a reminder of the three positions: P1. CE (1-3) P2 DF (2-4) P3 EG (3-5) It is vital in music that you do not stop when you think you have got it. Keep repeating over and over again. Psychologists call this PATTERNING.
Step 4: 1 st tune RIGHT HAND First of all a reminder of the three positions: P1. CE (1-3) Here is exercise 2 again for anyone not ready to move on. P2 DF (2-4)P3 EG (3-5) The Big Tune: The Farmhouse The tune uses SHORT and LONG notes: obey the colours. P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P3 P1P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P1 P1 P3 P3 P3 P3 P1 P3 P1 P2 P1
Step 4: RIGHT HAND with music Ready to play with music. Here is the colours version again for anyone not ready to move on. The Farmhouse SHORT and LONG P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P3 P1P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P1 P1 P3 P3 P3 P3 P1 P3 P1 P2 P1
Step 5: LEFT HAND The Farmhouse Here is the keyboard again: middle C is over on the right but we are now taking the Left hand down into the Stygian gloom of the Bass notes. First of all find the C Below middle C (to the left of the pair of black notes) and plonk youR 2 nd FINGER on It. This means your left thumb (1) goes on D. Put your left pinky on G.
Step 6: LEFT HAND cont The Farmhouse Now try this pattern: C G C G D G D G
Step 7: LEFT HAND COMPLETE The Farmhouse Try the whole of the left hand: All of the notes are SHORT (1) Unless marked L (2).
Step 8: Starting to put it together The Farmhouse Now combine the two hands By playing this 20 times: Then try this one 20 times
Step 9: The Whole of line 1 The Farmhouse You are now ready to play the whole of the first half of the piece.
Step 10: The Whole of line 2 The Farmhouse Here is the second half of the piece – play it 20 times.
Performance The Farmhouse