Measuring the bb cross- section using B D o X decays Liming Zhang & Sheldon Stone Syracuse University
MC Efficiency from signal MC 2010 Group Meeting May 20, 2010 Efficiency [%] B D 0 X B D 0 X Reconstructable 40.8 ± ± 0.3 Reconstruction 93.8 ± 0.2 Track fit 2 /ndof< ± ± 0.1 P t >300 MeV for K & 93.5 ± ± 0.3 IP 2 >9 for K & 83.2 ± ± 0.4 D 0 FD 2 > ± 0.2 PIDK<10 for 99.3 ± ± 0.1 PIDK>4 for K95.0 ± ± 0.3 P t >1400 MeV 99.0 ± ± 0.2 D 0 vertex 2 < ± ± 0.3 Geometrical cut efficiency is ~17% 2
Reconstructable efficiency from MC Group Meeting May 20, 2010 Total inefficiency No enough hits in T stations but in Velo No enough hits in Velo but in T stations No enough hits in both Velo & T stations Pion from D 0 MuX Muon from D 0 MuX Overall long track reconstructable efficiency Kaon 66.3% Pion 70.5% Muon 84.9% Long track requirements >=3 hits in Velo >=3 hits in TT >=3 hits in OT 3
Selection criteria Common cuts K & PT>300 MeV, Sum PT>1400 MeV K and IPCHI2>9 K DLL(K- )>4, DLL( -K)> -10 all tracks fit 2 /NDOF<10 D 0 vertex fit 2 <6 D 0 Flight Distance 2 >64 DfB (D from B) Cuts only PT > 500 MeV & IPCHI2>4 ISMUON and DLL( - )>0 B vertex fit 2 <5 vz(D 0 ) – vz(B) > -0.5mm (loosen) B DIRA>0.998 B invariant mass in [3, 5] GeV Group Meeting May 20, 2010 Prompt D o cuts only D 0 DIRA > D 0 IPCHI2 < 0.1 mm 4 Will be checked by Has checked by prompt D 0
The End
Things to do (I) D o K3 do the same analysis as D o K two usages: Tracking efficiency test using prompt D o (It’s better to use the same cut on the K and one as used in D o K and do not cut on the other two if background is not large). adding statistics to D o X if background is acceptable. Group Meeting May 20,
Outline MC distributions from prompt D 0 and DfB Efficiency ratio of prompt D 0 and DfB MC distributions from signal MC Efficiency from signal MC All distributions are obtained without any selections. Group Meeting May 20,
IP & IPS from D 0 daughters Group Meeting May 20, 2010 Prompt D 0 DfB K IP IP K IP significance IP significance 8
P & P t from D 0 daughters Group Meeting May 20, 2010 Prompt D 0 DfB 9
Distributions of D 0 Group Meeting May 20, 2010 Prompt D 0 DfB Sum P t D 0 vertex 2 D 0 P t D 0 Flight Distance Significance 10
MC Efficiency for D 0 (Inc_D 0 MC 2010) Group Meeting May 20, 2010 Efficiency [%] Prompt D 0 DfB Reconstruction 39.4 ± ± 0.9 Track fit 2 /ndof< ± ± 0.2 P t >300 MeV for K & 93.6 ± ± 0.7 IP 2 >9 for K & 35.2 ± ± 1.1 D 0 FD 2 > ± ± 0.7 PIDK<10 for 99.4 ± ± 0.3 PIDK>4 for K94.7 ± ± 0.7 P t >1400 MeV 99.0 ± ± 0.4 D 0 vertex 2 < ± ± 0.7 D 0 DIRA> ± ± 0.2 Total9.07 ± ± 0.8 Efficiency DfB/Prompt = 2.8 ± 0.1 Relative efficiency with respect to the previous cut Geometrical cut efficiency is (42.5 ± 0.2)% 11
MC Efficiency from signal MC 2010 (cont’) Group Meeting May 20, 2010 Efficiency [%] B D 0 X B D 0 X track fit 2 /ndof< ± 0.0 P t >500 MeV 93.2 ± ± 0.4 IP 2 > ± ± 0.4 ISMUON89.8 ± ± 0.5 DLL( )> ± 0.2 B vertex 2 < ± ± 0.4 B DIRA > ± 0.3 z(D0)-z(B)>-0.5mm (loosen) 96.7 ± ± 0.3 M(D 0 ) [3, 5] GeV 84.4 ± ± 0.7 Total13.7 ± ±
Distributions of B Group Meeting May 20, 2010 DIRA B vertex 2 M(D 0 ) vz(D 0 ) vz(B) MC are sum of B + and B 0 13
Things to do Evaluate cut efficiency from prompt D 0 Especially for IPCHI2 and FDCHI2 cuts One idea is to smear the resolution and check. Fake muon background estimation Remove muon ID Reweight candidates by the fake rate obtained from the data. Group Meeting May 20,