Emotional Intelligence What Is It? Why Is It Important? How Do I Get It? 1All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
2 Session Objectives Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EI). What Emotional Intelligence is and is not. Key Components of Emotional Intelligence. Why Emotional Intelligence is important. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
3 Introductions Name What do you know about Emotional Intelligence? What you hope to learn about Emotional Intelligence? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
About Trigena ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Founder and Owner – Peak Performance CCT, LLC. 20+ years working in Talent and Leadership Development on a global level with a focus on developing and coaching leaders. Experience leading leadership development efforts within organizations. Experience with several personality and behavioral assessments. Experience coaching entrepreneurs, soloprenuers, business leaders, teams, and coaches. Mentor coach and coach trainer, author of A Coaching Approach to Leadership. 4All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
vs The Old Paradigm “Emotions are enmeshed in the neural networks of reason” - Antonio Damasio
6 What is Emotional Intelligence? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
7 Ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in a positive way to relieve stress communicate effectively empathize with others overcome challenges defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of your daily life, such as the way you behave and the way you interact with others. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
8 If you have high emotional intelligence you are able to recognize your own emotional state and the emotional states of others, and engage with people in a way that draws them to you. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
Emotional intelligence is effectively blending Thinking and Feeling to make optimal decisions. - Six Seconds Organization
10 Why is Emotional Intelligence so important? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
11 The smartest people are not always those that are the most successful or the most fulfilled in life. You probably know people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially inept and unsuccessful at work or in personal relationships. Intellectual intelligence or IQ isn’t enough on its own to be successful in life. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
12 IQ can help you get into college but it’s EI that will help you manage the stress and emotions of sitting for your final exams. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
13 Importance of Emotional Intelligence Working Effectively with Others - navigate the social complexities of the workplace, lead and motivate others, and excel in your career. Management of Stress – uncontrolled stress can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process. The first step to improving emotional intelligence is to learn how to relieve stress. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
14 Importance of Emotional Intelligence Mental Health - uncontrolled stress can also impact your mental health, causing anxiety and depression. Inability to manage emotions, promotes mood swings, which can negatively impact relationships. Relationships - understanding your emotions and how to control them allows you to better express how you feel and understand how others are feeling. This ability forges stronger relationships, both at work and in your personal life. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
16 Emotional Intelligence Components Intra-Personal Inter-Personal Stress Management Adaptability General Mood All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
17 Intra-Personal Concerns your ability to know and manage yourself. Self Awareness – ability to recognize how you are feeling, why you are feeling that way and the impact you have on others. Assertiveness – ability to clearly express your thoughts and feelings, stand your ground and defend your position. Independence – ability to be self directed, self controlled and stand on your own two feet. Self Regard – ability to use your strengths and weaknesses and feel good about yourself despite weaknesses. Self-Actualization – ability to realize your potential and feel comfortable with what you achieve. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
18 Inter-Personal Your ability to interact and get along with others. Empathy – ability to understand what others might be feeling and thinking. View the the world through another person’s eyes. Social Responsibility – ability to be a cooperative and contributing member of your social group. Interpersonal Relationships – ability to forge and maintain mutually beneficial relationships, marked by give-and-take and a sense of emotional closeness. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
19 Stress Management Your ability to tolerate stress and control impulses. Stress Tolerance – ability to remain calm and focused, to constructively withstand adverse events and conflicting emotions without falling apart. Impulse Control – ability to resist or delay a temptation or act. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
20 Adaptability Your ability to be flexible, realistic and solve a range of problems as they arise. Reality Testing – ability to see things as they actually are, rather than the way they wish or fear they might be. Flexibility – ability to adjust your feelings, thoughts and actions to changing conditions. Problem Solving – ability to define problems, then move to generate and implement effective, appropriate solutions. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
21 General Mood Optimism – ability to maintain a realistically positive attitude, particularly in the face of adversity. Happiness – ability to feel satisfied with life, to enjoy yourself and others, and to experience zest and enthusiasm in a range of activities. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
22 What does it take to be a leader in this context? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
23 Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment Take a few minutes and fill out the Emotional Intelligence self assessment Consider the following questions: What did you notice about your results? What do you need to stop doing? Start doing? Given your results, what could you do to move forward differently? How can you build upon strengths? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
24 Emotionally Intelligent Conflict Resolution Step 1 – Think about a conflict/upsetting situation and write down unpleasant feelings and behaviors that occurred. What were you feeling? How were you acting? What behaviors did you exhibit? Step 2 – Describe the trigger event. What happened that caused the feelings and behaviors in Step 1. Step 3 – Write down the self-talk and beliefs that followed the trigger event in Step 2. What did you tell yourself? What was your “self talk”? What beliefs did you hold? What is the “story” of the situation? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
25 Emotionally Intelligent Problem Solving Step 4 – Examine alternatives to the self-talk and beliefs in Step 3. What is fact and what is fiction? What could be other logical explanations? If you were an observer in this situation, what might you see? If you were to give advice to another person, what might you say that would provide another perspective? Step 5 – New Perspective. Based on Steps 1- 4: What new perspective do you now hold? What shifts in belief have you made? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
26 Emotionally Intelligent Problem Solving Step 6 - How will you show up differently based on Steps 1-5? Based on your new awareness/perspective how will you show up differently? What do you need to let go? What do you need to do differently? What is your powerful next step? Whose support do you need? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
27 Tips for Improving Emotional Intelligence Connect to Your Emotions – having moment- to-moment awareness of your emotions and how they influence your thoughts and actions– especially strong core emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, and joy. Examine Motivations - understand your own motivations and needs, get to the core driver of your motivation. Use Emotions to Inform Decisions – do you pay attention to your emotions and how do they factor into your decisions? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
28 Tips for Improving Emotional Intelligence Value Hardships and Setbacks – look for meaning in hardships and setbacks. Search for the silver lining and the lesson. Humor – Use humor to overcome hardships, be playful in your approach and don’t take life or yourself too seriously. When you loosen up, you free yourself of rigid ways of thinking and being, allowing you to get creative and see things in new ways. Be Present – when working with others, be present, don’t given in to mental multi-tasking. Listen at a wholistic level. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
29 Tips for Improving Emotional Intelligence Journal – Write down your thoughts, behaviors, feelings and actions. Examine and look for patterns. Slow Down – Slow down and take time to understand and examine your emotions. Pause, take a time out and ponder what is occurring emotionally. Clear Values – Be clear about what you value and what you don’t value. Once you are clear about what is important to you, decisions become clear. Practice makes Permanent – determine how you want to move forward and make it a daily practice. All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
30 Success Model Knowledge AwarenessPracticeApply Integrate All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
31 Sources and Recommended Readings…. The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success The Emotional Intelligence Quickbook Working with Emotional Intelligence All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC
32 So What…Now What? What is the one thing you are taking away that you can implement immediately? What will you do differently as a result of this new information? All Rights Reserved - Peak Performance CCT, LLC