Melanoma Oma = tumor Melanoma is a type of skin cancer.
Resolve Solv = loosen If Anne and Will would speak to each other, maybe they could resolve their argument.
Gravity Grav = heavy He was in the hospital for a week due to the gravity of his injuries.
Hibernal Hibern = winter Bears are hibernal animals because they sleep throughout the winter.
Meteorologist Meteor = high The meteorologist reported that a hurricane is forming over the Atlantic Ocean.
Melancholy Mela = black She was very melancholy after breaking up with her boyfriend.
Vice President Vice = in place of The Vice President accompanied the President to the State Dinner.
Foliage Foli = leaf The forest is full of beautiful foliage during spring.
Orbit Orb = circle The Earth orbits around the Sun.
Multiply Multi = many The number wedding guests multiplied after my mother began working on the guest list.
Ignition Ign = fire Turning the key in the ignition will start the car.
Mollify Moll = soft We could do nothing to mollify the man’s anger.
Lineage Lin = line I can trace my lineage back to George Washington.
Hemisphere Hemi = half The United States is located in the Northern Hemisphere.
Gradually Grad = step We plan to gradually renovate our condo, working on one room at a time.
Radiance The diamond’s radiance could be seen from across the room.
Obstinate Ob = against The child’s obstinate behavior resulted in a long time out.
Narcotics Narco = sleep Medicines that contain narcotics make you very sleepy.
Ophthalmologist Opthal = eye If your eye remains irritated, you will need to see an opthalmologist.