Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Etiology Result of lifestyle, overweight, smoking, lack of exercise, stress S/S No symptoms If left untreated: liver damage, blood vessels, kidneys, stroke Treatment/Prevention Medication Lifestyle change
Stroke Etiology Blood clot blocks the flow of blood in a vessel S/S Numbness, tingling, headache, especially on one side Confusion, difficulty speaking, facial drop, vision problems, decreased balance, trouble walking Treatment & Prevention Medication to thin blood Surgery Clot busters
Arteriosclerosis Etiology: Hardening of the arteries Aging, smoking, bad diet, decrease exercise S/S: High blood pressure Fatigue Aneurysms Treatment & Prevention Good diet Exercise Surgery
Aneurysm Etiology Defect/Disease Weakened wall of artery S/S: Pain or pressure Frequently no symptoms Treatment & Prevention Surgical removal of weak part of artery
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Etiology: Narrowing of coronary artery because of plaque Atherosclerosis: a specific type of arteriosclerosis, but the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. S/S: Possible heart attack, pale skin, easily fatigued Treatment & Prevention Balloon angioplasty surgery
Myocardial Infarction Heart Attack Etiology: Blood flow to the heart is cut off causing permanent damage to heart tissue S/S: Chest pain and discomfort Jaw, shoulder, neck, and/or back pain Dizzy, light headed, fainting, nausea, short of breath, pale or grey skin, weakness Treatment & Prevention: Call 911 Loosen restrictive clothing Surgery Medication, nitroglycerine
Congestive Heart Failure Etiology: Heart can’t pump at it’s usual capacity Atherosclerosis & M.I. S/S Swelling of feet and ankles Blood pooling Treatment & Prevention: Surgery Drugs Heart transplant
Anemia Etiology: A condition in which the RBC do not send enough O2 to the tissues Caused by a low number of RBCs S/S: Pallor, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and rapid heart rate Treatment & Prevention: Varies by type Iron supplements, blood transfusions, bone marrow transplants
Hemophelia Etiology: Hereditary (sex-linked trait) lack of clotting factors S/S: Excessive bleeding Bruised easily Treatment & Prevention: Medications Blood transfusions
Leukemia Etiology: Increase in WBC in bone marrow and blood stream S/S: Fever, pallor, anemia, bleeding gums, excessive bruising, joint pain Treatment & Prevention: Chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplant