INTRODUCTION This is a facility used to clean the exterior and interior of a car. Operators in this industry clean, wash and wax automotive vehicles such as passenger cars, trucks, vans, and trailers. Vehicles are placed in a tunnel where a conveyor is used to move them through a series of fixed cleaning mechanisms. Soaps and other cleaning solutions used are designed to loosen and eliminate dirt and grime.
A UTOMATIC CARWASH When the customer is on the conveyor, the attendant will instruct the customer to put the vehicle into neutral, release all brakes, and refrain from steering. The rollers come up behind the tires, pushing the car through a detector, which measures vehicle length, allowing the controller to tailor the wash to each individual vehicle. The carwash start cleaning with pre-soaks applied through special arches. The customer next encounters tire and wheel nozzles, called CTAs (Chemical Tire Applicators). The next arch will be wraparounds. Past wraparounds there is a tire brush that will scrub the tires and wheels. The car then passes through the triple foamers. Past the foamers is tire shining machine. Next the vehicle is treated with a drying agent and a final rinse.
T OUCH FREE CAR WASH It uses high water pressure to clean the vehicle instead of brushes. This minimizes the chance of surface damage to the vehicle. There are five primary factors to cleaning a vehicle successfully using a touch less system. These five factors are water quality, water temperature, chemistry, time and water pressure generated by the equipment. If these factors are set appropriately, vehicles will come out clean and shiny without the chance of vehicle damage caused by brushes.
H IGH - LEVEL AS IS PROCESS FLOWCHART. INPUTS: dirty cars, water, cleaning supplies, cleaning tools and materials Wash car OUTPUT: Clean car Order car wash Drive into line at car wash wash Wait to order car wash Attendant takes car wash order Get out of car leaving car keys Walk to line to pay for car wash Wait in line to pay for car wash Pay for car wash Wait for car to be washed Car vacuumed Car wants to begin wash Attendant start car in wash Car completes wash Attendant drives car to be dried Car dried Attendant signals car done Walk to get car Check car to be sure clean Show attendant receipt and give tip Ask to be cleaned Car clean? no yes
M ETRIC TO MEASURE THE PROCESS AND ITS APPLICATION Analyzing the actual marketing statistics of a carwash is the only way to know how a business is truly performing and can help owners appreciate the value of their marketing. There are 15 statistics or metrics that carwashes should measure to gain better operational insight and enable improvement. These include: Wash volume, Gross sales, Dollars per car, Sales mix, New customers, Frequency, Churn, Customer satisfaction, Club sign- ups, Unique Web visitors, Customer profitability, Weather, Customer map, Campaign take rate and Long-term campaign ROI. For the case of customer satisfaction, can typically be gauged through surveys. The question marketers have found to have the best correlation is, “On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend this carwash to a friend?” Customers who answer nine or 10 can be considered satisfied or loyal. Those who answer 0-6 should be considered dissatisfied or disloyal. Business cards containing this question are printed and boxes with a slit are provided for customers to submit the cards. Then they are taken and analyzed