Multi-asset options
Pricing model
Ito lemma
Continuous dividend case
American style
Exchange option
similarity reduction
Reduced model
Closed form solution
Other examples
Options on many underlying
Ito Lemma
Quanto options
Binomial model
Determination of p1,p2,p3,p4 see Kwok (1998) [pp ]
Monte-Carlo Simulation Monte-Carlo simulation is based on the risk- neutral valuation result. The expected payoff in a risk-neutral world is calculated using a sampling procedure. It is then discounted at the risk-free interest rate.
1. Sample a random path for in a risk-neutral world. 2. Calculate the payoff from the derivative. 3. Repeat steps one and two to get many sample values of the payoff from the derivative in a risk- neutral world. 4. Calculate the mean of the sample payoffs to get an estimate of the expected payoff in a risk-neutral world. 5. Discount the expected payoff at the risk-free rate to get an estimate of the value of the derivative.