Gustar, Encantar and Similar Verbs Gustar, Encantar y verbos similares
These verbs are used to express likes or dislikes. Their actual translations: Gustar - to be pleasing to (to like) Encantar - to be really pleasing to (to really like, to love (things))
Both verbs must be preceeded by an indirect object pronoun:
The verb form must agree with the number of nouns liked. Each verb, therefore, can only have two forms: Gusta/Encanta - present tense Gust ó /Encant ó - preterite tense (singular-one noun liked) Gustan/Encantan - present tense Gustaron/Encantaron - preterite tense (plural-more than one noun liked)
Ejemplos.... ¿Te gusta la pizza? Do you like pizza? Me gustan los inodoros limpios. I like clean toilets. Nos encantan los fines de semanas We really like (love) weekends.
To emphasize who is doing the liking, a + (name or pronoun) can be used. Note that yo and t ú become m í and ti after a preposition. A m í me gustan los calzoncillos flojos. I like loose underwear. A Juan no le gusta limpiar su dormitorio. Juan doesn ’ t like to clean his bedroom. A Ra ú l y Paco les encantan los chicharrones. Ra ú l and Paco love pork rinds.
To express like or dislike of a person, caer bien/mal is also used: Les cae mal Britney Spears. They don’t like Britney Spears. Me cae bien ese actor. I like that actor.
Other verbs that work this way: faltarto be lacking, to need, to miss Me faltan dos papeles (I ’ m missing 2 papers.) fascinarto be fascinated by ¿ Qu é te fascina en el mundo? (What fascinates you in the world?) molestarto be bothered by ¿ Te molesta si pongo el radio? (Does it bother you if I turn the radio on?) interesarto be interested in/by No me interesan los deportes. (Sports don ’ t interest me.) quedarle to fit Te quedan bien esos pantalones. (Those pants fit you well.) importarto matter to/to care about ¿ Le importa si nos vamos? (Do you care if we leave?)