How the Workplace is Changing New Faces in New Jobs More minorities are moving into managerial, executive & professional careers More Women & Immigrants In 2000, Euro-American Women & Minorities = 65% of workforce = 30% of middle management = 5% of top management positions By 2045, Minority population = 86% of U.S. population growth Purchasing power will increase to 32% of disposable income
New Terms We Use for People African Americans Arab Americans Asian Americans Chinese Americans, Asian Indian Americans Euro-Americans Latino Americans Mexican Americans, Puerto Rican Americans American Indians
Other Diverse Groups Persons with Disabilities Gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons Older persons Obese persons
Diverse Backgrounds = Diverse Styles Career Women Men African Americans Asian Americans Arab Americans
Diverse Backgrounds = Diverse Styles Latino Americans Gay persons Persons with Disabilities Obese persons Older persons
New Approach = Substance vs. Style Key Performance Questions Does the employee's decision meet the criteria we set? Has the employee achieved the goals we set? Has the employee maintained the quality standards we set? Are the bottom-line results good?
New Ways of Working Together Self-managing teams Leaders who facilitate team meetings & help teams to reach consensus Consultants and technical experts who function more as professionals than as traditional employees
Key Trends: Need for Multicultural Leadership Skills Shortage of qualified, educated workers U.S. workforce is becoming more diverse at all levels Intensely competitive global marketplace Growth of subcultural groups = growth of subcultural market segments Global marketplace success depends on building profitable relationships in countries where an organization does business
10 Payoffs for Managing Diversity Well 1. Attracting & Retaining the Best People 2. Increasing Organizational Flexibility 3. Greater Market Share 4. Reducing Costs 5. Improving the Quality of Management
10 Payoffs for Managing Diversity Well 6. Creating & Innovating More Powerfully 7. Solving Problems More Effectively 8. Increasing Productivity 9. Contributing to Social Responsibility 10. Bottom Line: Increased Profits
5 Steps to Building Diverse People Skills 1. What is culture? How does it affect us? 2. How is my own culture different from others? 3. “I’m not biased, but…” 4. What’s it like to be you? 5. Build interaction skills.
Finding Out What It’s Like to Be You 1. What barriers to career success do you face? 2. How did it get that way? 3. What’s going on now? 4. How do you see the world? 5. How can I work most effectively with you? 6. How can I apply my new knowledge & practice multicultural skills? 1. Stereotypes & myths vs. reality 2. Connections to the past 3. Current profile 4. Cultural worldviews, values, customs, issues 5. Leadership challenges & opportunities