Belief Learning in an Unstable Infinite Game Paul J. Healy CMU
Belief Learning in an Unstable Infinite Game Issue #3 Issue #1 Issue #2
Issue #1: Infinite Games Typical Learning Model: –Finite set of strategies –Strategies get weight based on ‘fitness’ –Bells & Whistles: experimentation, spillovers… Many important games have infinite strategies –Duopoly, PG, bargaining, auctions, war of attrition… Quality of fit sensitive to grid size? Models don’t use strategy space structure
Previous Work Grid size on fit quality: –Arifovic & Ledyard Groves-Ledyard mechanisms Convergence failure of RL with |S| = 51 Strategy space structure: –Roth & Erev AER ’99 Quality-of-fit/error measures –What’s the right metric space? Closeness in probs. or closeness in strategies?
Issue #2: Unstable Game Usually predicting convergence rates –Example: p–beauty contests Instability: –Toughest test for learning models –Most statistical power
Previous Work Chen & Tang ‘98 –Walker mechanism & unstable Groves-Ledyard –Reinforcement > Fictitious Play > Equilibrium Healy ’06 –5 PG mechanisms, predicting convergence or not Feltovich ’00 –Unstable finite Bayesian game –Fit varies by game, error measure
Issue #3: Belief Learning If subjects are forming beliefs, measure them! Method 1: Direct elicitation –Incentivized guesses about s -i Method 2: Inferred from payoff table usage –Tracking payoff ‘lookups’ may inform our models
Previous Work Nyarko & Schotter ‘02 –Subjects BR to stated beliefs –Stated beliefs not too accurate Costa-Gomes, Crawford & Boseta ’01 –Mouselab to identify types –How players solve games, not learning
This Paper Pick an unstable infinite game Give subjects a calculator tool & track usage Elicit beliefs in some sessions Fit models to data in standard way Study formation of “beliefs” –“Beliefs” <= calculator tool –“Beliefs” <= elicited beliefs
The Game Walker’s PG mechanism for 3 players Added a ‘punishment’ parameter
Parameters & Equilibrium v i (y) = b i y – a i y 2 + c i Pareto optimum: y = 7.5 Unique PSNE: s i * = 2.5 Punishment γ = 0.1 Purpose: Not too wild, payoffs rarely negative Guessing Payoff: 10 – |g L - s L |/4 - |g R - s R |/4 Game Payoffs: Pr(<50) = 8.9% Pr(>100) = 71% aiai bibi cici
Choice of Grid Size Grid Width5211/21/41/8 # Grid Points % on Grid S = [-10,10]
Properties of the Game Best response: BR Dynamics: unstable –One eigenvalue is +2
Design PEEL Lab, U. Pittsburgh All Sessions –3 player groups, 50 periods –Same group, ID#s for all periods –Payoffs etc. common information –No explicit public good framing –Calculator always available –5 minute ‘warm-up’ with calculator Sessions 1-6 –Guess s L and s R. Sessions 7-13 –Baseline: no guesses.
Total Variation: – No significant difference (p=0.745) No. of Strategy Switches: –No significant difference (p=0.405) Autocorrelation (predictability): –Slightly more without elicitation Total Earnings per Session: –No significant difference (p=1) Missed Periods: –Elicited: 9/300 (3%) vs. Not: 3/350 (0.8%) Does Elicitation Affect Choice?
Does Play Converge? Average | s i – s i * | per Period Average | y – y o | per Period
Does Play Converge, Part 2
Accuracy of Beliefs Guesses get better in time Average || s -i – s -i (t) || per Period Elicited guessesCalculator inputs
Model 1: Parametric EWA δ : weight on strategy actually played φ : decay rate of past attractions ρ : decay rate of past experience A(0): initial attractions N(0): initial experience λ : response sensitivity to attractions
Model 1’: Self-Tuning EWA N(0) = 1 Replace δ and φ with deterministic functions:
STEWA: Setup Only remaining parameters: λ and A 0 –λ will be estimated –5 minutes of ‘Calculator Time’ gives A 0 Average payoff from calculator trials:
STEWA: Fit Likelihoods are ‘zero’ for all λ –Guess: Lots of near misses in predictions Alternative Measure: Quad. Scoring Rule –Best fit: λ = 0.04 (previous studies: λ>4) –Suggests attractions are very concentrated
STEWA: Adjustment Attempts The problem: near misses in strategy space, not in time Suggests: alter δ (weight on hypotheticals) –original specification : QSR* = λ*=0.04 –δ = 0.7 (p-beauty est.): QSR* = λ*=0.03 –δ = 1 (belief model): QSR* = λ*=0.175 –δ(k,t) = % of B.R. payoff: QSR* = λ*=0.06 Altering φ: –1/8 weight on surprises: QSR* = λ*=0.04
STEWA: Other Modifications Equal initial attractions: worse Smoothing –Takes advantage of strategy space structure λ spreads probability across strategies evenly Smoothing spreads probability to nearby strategies –Smoothed Attractions –Smoothed Probabilities –But… No Improvement in QSR* or λ* ! Tentative Conclusion: –STEWA: not broken, or can’t be fixed…
Other Standard Models Nash Equilibrium Uniform Mixed Strategy (‘Random’) Logistic Cournot BR Deterministic Cournot BR Logistic Fictitious Play Deterministic Fictitious Play k-Period BR
“New” Models Best respond to stated beliefs (S1-S6 only) Best respond to calculator entries –Issue: how to aggregate calculator usage? –Decaying average of input Reinforcement based on calculator payoffs –Decaying average of payoffs
Model Comparisons MODELPARAMBIC2-QSRMADMSD Random Choice*N/AIn: InfiniteIn: Out: In: Out: In: Out: Logistic STEWA*λIn: InfiniteIn: Out: λ*=0.04 In: Out: λ*=0.41 In: Out: λ*=0.35 Logistic Cournot*λIn: InfiniteIn: Out: λ*=0.00(!) In: Out: λ*=4.30 In: Out: λ*=4.30 Logistic F.P.*λIn: InfiniteIn: Out: λ*=14.98 In: Out: λ*=4.47 In: Out: λ*=4.47 * Estimates on the grid of integers {-10,-9,…,9,10} In = periods 1-35 Out = periods 36-End
Model Comparisons 2 MODELPARAMMADMSD BR(Guesses) (6 sessions only) N/AIn: Out: In: Out: BR(Calculator Input)δ (=1/2)In: Out: In: Out: Calculator Reinforcement* δ (=1/2)In: Out: In: Out: k-Period BRkIn: Out: k* = 4 In: Out: k* = 4 CournotN/AIn: Out: In: Out: Weighted F.P.δIn: Out: δ* = 0.56 In: Out: δ * = 0.65
The “Take-Homes” Methodological issues –Infinite strategy space –Convergence vs. Instability –Right notion of error Self-Tuning EWA fits best. Guesses & calculator input don’t seem to offer any more predictive power… ?!?!